Mouse recomendation


New member
My current mouse, SS Rival, is developing an annoying middle double click and while it can be fixed with autohotkey for browsing it is really annoying for games.
Have no complaints with it so far but was wondering if anything better came out since Rival?

Don't need many buttons on it. Saw the new deathadder has pretty good reviews but not a Razer fan although the mouse everyone likes it.
I'd say, from my own experience, get a Logitech G402. It feels similar to the Rival but it's super well build. Only gripe I have is that the mousewheel is not really all that tactile. It is enough though to not over-spin when selecting weapons in shooters or similar.
I would highly recommend Logitech mice. I have a g500 but am looking to get a G602 or one of the other new(ish) models to replace it
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Definitely would recommend a Logitech mouse. G502 user here...and much love to Logitech for that one. Been the best mouse I've owned yet.
I have a 502 and it's really nice. Sniper button is a little too far away for my hand. Previous was a death adder and that was great however needed maybe two more buttons to be perfect.