MonoChromatico v2.0


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MonoChromatico v2.0 Updated OP!

In the midst of re-doing the color scheme of MonoChromatico. For some reason I found the last build to come out a bit messy - even if the runs were minimal...

Unfortunately I will not have the same amount of time as last time around so the updates will not be as often and detailed as I would like.


Think I'll better give some more insights on what is going to happen during the build and the specs.

Case Hex Gear R40 Black w/ black accent pack
CPU Intel Core I7-4790K - Delidded
GPUs EVGA Nvidea Titan X x 2
RAM 32 GB Corsair Dominator Platinum 2133 Mhz
Motherboard Asus Gryphon Z97 - Armor Edition
PSU Seasonic 1000W Platinum Series
Cables Custom made kit by Icemodz - Thanks again Mundi :)
Fan Controller Aquacomputer Aquaero 5 LT
Fans EK-Vardar F4-120ER (2200rpm)
Disks Samsung Evo 840 250GB x 2 (Raid 0) + Samsung Evo 840 500GB
LEDs Darkside LED strips

Chrome copper tubing from Darkside
All blocks pump/res and rads from EKWB
All fittings from Bitspower
Shoot me a pm or reply if you want the specifics for any of the watercooling stuff.

This time around I'm going for a more stealth all black build with a bit of bling from the chrome copper tubing and fittings. At first I was looking for clear teint hardline tubing but nobody seems to be doing this... Someone make this.... pretty sure it will be a sure sell to anyone planning a stealth themed build ;) In my search I stumbled upon the chrome tubes from Dark Side and the rest is history.

There's been a small amount of modding done to the case - my first ever dremel cut as I had to make room in the back for the Aquaero 5 LT. A somewhat nerve wrecking experience but it turned out pretty good. Wouldn't have hurt to clean the cuts up a bit better but I didn't really have the proper tools for it.

In order to achieve a more silent running PC I've decidded to delid the CPU this time around as it gets really hot when putting 1.3V through it... well in that ball park anyways.. can't remember the number. I may have it a bit lower than that. I should hopefully be able to run the fans at lower speeds while under load than before.

So far this is what I've been doing:

  • Painted the Gryphon Armor Mat Black as it was white in the previous version of MonoChromatico
  • Removed all blocks and replaced them with new black ones as shown on the pictures
  • Delidded the CPU with the D8auer Delid die Mate - was very easy and felt a lot safer to user then taking a piece of wood and a hammer to a wice strapped CPU. Hope it will be compatible with Kaby Lake but I wouldn't count on it
  • Taken the SLI bridge apart and tunred it around so that the ROG logo will not be upside down anymore as the layout is inverted. Screw wholes in the PCB and the cover doesn't line up but super clue ftw...
  • Flushed the 2 new rads. Removing actual radiator paint is not something I even wanted to try... SO not going to be reusing the old rads;) All blocks has also been flushed
  • Cut the copper tubing to size

Thinks that's about it for now. :)

But here's a couple of teasers.


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Yes! Monochrome and cut out the colours, its the future ;) I love my mono colour rig, they are understated and make you look deeper.
Got the hdd tray cut and drilled holes in the motherboard tray in order to fit the aquareo 5 lt and delidded the CPU with me new delidding tool. Pretty expensive for what it is, but real easy to use and peace of mind whilst doing it :)



Still need to wrap the res in mat Black vinyl with the hex gear name and logo, flush the new rads and cut the copper tubing.
Radiators got flushed last night... I love the azure color the vinegar solution gets when its been in contact with the copper :)
OP Updated!

Small Update today. Got the 11 pieces of copper tubing cut to size. When I chamfered the ends I appears that I don't have to do it on the outside as this particula chrome tubing seemed to actually get sharper that when just gut.. does anyone have any experience with this?

A few pics of the work done




Stay tuned for more :)
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Accent pack arrived yesterday so time to start putting stuff together:


Accent pack and motherboard installed. Fo those not familiar with the Hex Gear R40: The Accent pack is 2 pieces of acrylic in a chosen color that sits on the inside of both front and rear panel. Mine used to be white. Now its black...
Motherboard installed as well


This is almost all I can install until I get the custom cables as there is a few of them that needs to be routed prior to installing the 360 rad in the bottom.


preliminary cable mangement


The aqaureo 5 LT and my virgin dremmel cut out in the HDD tray :) Glad its not visible but I've seen a lot worse cuts... doesn't seem that hard to do... Slow and Steady wins the race was my mantra going into and during the cut :)

Thats how I spent my evening - all good fun. The vinyl for my home made reservoir decal arrived at work today so I think I will be doing that part tonight and perhaps the rest of the tubing runs I can complete.

I'm considering covering the silver bars on the case in black mat vinyl as well... what do you guys think? will it be too much black or go for it?

Stay tuned for more :)
Covered the silver bars in mat black vinyl last night.

A few pictures of the process:


First one just to show the front with the black accent pack.. never got that shown before ;)


Vinyl cut


some of the "tools" needed


bottom bars applied but not yet cut to size




cut to size


final result.

It's not 100% perfect close up, but good enough that I didn't want to start over on the pieces not a 100% :)
Yay! All the Monochrome! So much win in this build, I approve kudos to you on all this awesomeness.