Monitor blanking out, worth trying UPS?


New member
Hi guys

For a number of months now I've had the problem of my monitor cutting to black for about 2 seconds then coming back on as if nothing happened. I've finally bothered to try and locate the source of the problem and it seems to be the graphics card (MSI 7850). I've just fitted a new RM650 power supply and that didn't solve it, so I'm now using inbuilt graphics and so far not a problem.

It'll happen randomly during use, maybe once every 3-4 hours. But I can make it do the exact same thing by powering on my PS3 or speakers on at the wall. It also happens when I connect my G27 wheel to the PC.

I've tried another monitor and that also gets blanked by other devices powering on or being connected.

So now I have the option of trying a UPS, or changing to a 770.

Any thoughts?


I would try a different wall socket if i could using an extention lead if i had to. then decide from there what was the best option.
To be honest it sounds more like a problem with the GPU or driver though no? Could be an issues with the mem. If it is a problem with the GPU a UPS and a different socket aint going to solve anything. I was thinking it was the an issues with either the motherboard or drivers at first, however according to OP the problem seems to be rectified when using the IGPU, which could indicated that there is a problem with the communication/link between the mobo and GPU. It could probably be many things though, so best to try isolate some more if at all possible.

Perhaps try RMAing the GPU if its still under warranty, however keep testing with the iGPU before going off to buy a 770.

Have you inspected all the cables? I.E are any loose, damaged etc. Perhaps try installing a fresh OS with the most recent stable drivers for all the components as well?
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Thanks guys, but it's just happened on the internal graphics too. Literally an hour after I ordered a 770 thinking it was 100% the graphics card. :(

Stupidly I never thought of changing the cable, I'll grab another one now.

Also forgot to mention that I sometimes hear a small clicking type sound from inside the PC just as it does it, it happened this time too with the internal graphics. :confused:
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thats why I said to not order the 770 until you did further testing... Either way no point crying over spilled milk.

Have you tried inspecting your cables etc as advised? Perhaps try a different PSU if you have access to one.

Do you know where the clicking sound is coming from? I.E HDD, PSU etc What is the interval of which these click occur and how long do they last? is it instant or for a short time?
Paid a decent price for it so not too bothered haha

I've swapped the hdmi out for one I know is solid now but not used it for long so no results yet.

The cables in the PC seem fine and the PSU is a brand new RM650, and I doubt it's that as I had the same problem with the CX600. All internal cabling seems fine. As for the noise it's hard to say tbh, it's very quick and quiet but does seem to be coming from lower down in the case. So that's hard drives and PSU really. :(
I would still try and have the monitor on a seperate socket if i could.
i know in our old house the old wiering was pretty bad. and adding to much load on it could cause my monitor t do what you say yours does..

but thats not to say that is the problem.
it could be a whole host of stuff. inverted board could be going slowly.
bad cables.
faulty/dry solder join where the power connector is soldered in the monitor.
plug for the monitor not quite sitting in the socket properly because some how a wire managed to get between it and the socket.

so the general rule is start off testing the cheapest things to replace.

the solder thing you can tell by having the power plugged in and then when the cord is fully inserted in the monitor slightly wiggle it. and if it goes off then its a possibility.
I am inclined to say its is your Drive. However unfortunately I am not 100% sure, so would you mind or be able to swap the drive and do a fresh windows install with the latest stable and compatible drivers for your PC? Though I mainly suspect the drive at this point.
Could it be possible that it's caused by interference from power cords? Before the hdmi was routed very close to the power for the pc, speakers, ps3 and G27 wheel. I've now moved the new cable away from these and used the PC most of today waiting to see if it will happen. So far, touch wood, nothing.
Well it would really depend on the quality of the cable itself, generally as long as it aint one of those really cheap quality ones there is a possibility, however for most of them there should be enough to insulate/shield the transmission. Keep us posted.
They're just £4 amazon jobbies so doubt they're anything special.

Was in homebase yesterday so picked up these as the last extensions were about 8 years old.


Que about 4 hours of sweating and swearing, was about 21c in my room, in October!





Making sure everything runs to where it needs to


hdmi for the monitor run as far from everything else as I can, and separated from the PC power with foam


Back to normal, only with tidier cables


Now for several hours of web browsing to see if it happens again :confused:
Tried that with my old acer monitor. I was able to get that to do the same by powering my ps3 on at the wall.

I've tried another monitor
Tried another cable
Tried moving the cable away from all other cables
Tried a new PSU
Tried the internal graphics
Tried a new 770

Must be mobo :confused: