Microsoft Pay to get through Adblock Plus


News Guru
Microsoft, Amazon and Google have all paid to have their ads to go unblocked through Adblock Plus.


Read more on Microsoft, Google and Amazon paying to get through AdBlock Plus here.
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I've seen this all over but have yet to see any Ads. Maybe I don't go to the right websites.
What about a feature similar to what is integrated into Hulu? Using just about any pop-up blocker I get a black screen overlay that displays something like 'we operate on ads, can't bring you xyz, click here to disable ad blockers'. Can't speak for everyone, but I don't make a conscious decision to disable adblock for certain websites. A simple reminder like on Hulu with a simple single/few click fix would go a long way I'd think.
It looks like Joystiq reopened.

Anyway, on the subject. People started using Ad-block because of those intrusive "right-in-yo-face" ads and thus many sites that don't do these, suffer. A very good example would be this exact forum. I see the ads and I've got no problems with them. What's more, they are bla bla bla....

TL;DR: Yes to non-intusive ads. No to annoying pop-ups and Adblock.
Like Merxe i don't have a problem with some ads. Like the ones on OC3D where they don't scroll down the page with you, popup into the center, make you wait 5 secs till you can shut it up or the ones where the just start screaming with audio. Banner ads such as the ones on OC3D i'm fine with. It's actually relevant and doesn't trace your searches and display them on every website.. *cough* amazon *cough*
I used to frequent HardOCP's forums (where I displayed my previous builds, even made front page once :)), but when they introduced the keyword ads I stopped visiting. That system, where it would highlight key words in your forum posts and link them to ads often with no relevance, was really really annoying. I think they've ditched it now though.
How do the adds work anyway? Do they only generate money when someone clicks on them?

Yes, and I think for mouse hovers as well; a popup would appear blocking out a lot of the text you were reading. It became bad when a long post would several of the buggers.
I run Adblock. I'm happy to whitelist sites (including oc3d) where the ads are not obnoxious.

I WANT to see adverts relevant to my interests! If there's a new gizmo for my PC, or an offer on something etc. etc. etc. then great! Sell it to me!! :)

I do hope that one day, most sites on the internet will be like oc3d and other reputable sites, who have advertising but don't use pop-ups, or adverts that look like 'next' buttons, or adverts promising that I will lose weight if I follow this 'one weird tip', or adverts that fill the screen etc.... I think advertisers are just going to have to understand that the game has changed and that people won't/don't have to stand for that shit.

Finally, I do have to wonder whether those sorts of ads are in any way productive for the advertisers. If I am really annoyed by an ad, I certainly won't be buying whatever it's selling!