Microsoft brings Cortana to Android and iOS with Companion App


Average Penis Too
Microsoft is bringing their digital assistant, Cortana, to iOS and Android, alongside a Windows 10 Companion App.


Read more on Cortana and the Windows 10 Companion App.
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yay \o/..


Another something that will likely never get installed on my phone :P
yay \o/..


Another something that will likely never get installed on my phone :P

While I doubt I'd install it as a third party app on a phone, I own a Windows Phone which it comes with and it actually works really, really well.

Siri and Google Now can take note.
Am I the only one who see's this gimmick as pointless..

I mean when I see the Adverts "Cortana, remind me when I'm near a florist", I almost want it to respond with "Sod off, if I have to remind you of everything you should seriously seek medical attention".

The date was August 29th, 2017.. when Cortana became self aware.. du du dum dum dum. :lol:
Am I the only one who see's this gimmick as pointless..

I mean when I see the Adverts "Cortana, remind me when I'm near a florist", I almost want it to respond with "Sod off, if I have to remind you of everything you should seriously seek medical attention".

The date was August 29th, 2017.. when Cortana became self aware.. du du dum dum dum. :lol:

But being able to get walking/car directions to the nearest florist/supermarket/whatever when you're in a place where you don't know the way is pretty sweet :p
We never had that problem before... Just ask someone, I've found over the last few years mobiles and these gadgets have made us so anti social, also dangerous! I've lost count how many people I've nearly killed on the bike because they wander around even into the road because they are transfixed on their screens. (Mobile Zombies)
We never had that problem before... Just ask someone, I've found over the last few years mobiles and these gadgets have made us so anti social, also dangerous! I've lost count how many people I've nearly killed on the bike because they wander around even into the road because they are transfixed on their screens. (Mobile Zombies)

But Wrahaaaith, asking people things is scary
It's much less awkward to talk to your phone in public!