Dear heavens, it just goes from bad to worse, might be time to (re)think about Linux.
8 was unusable, 8.1 is a pain and looks bad, and now this looks worse with the start menu hybrid garbage.
10 as a name makes no real sense either since it's version 6.4 based on the vista kernal (but 8.1 is 6.3 so why make sense now?)
When asked about Windows 10′s name, Windows chief Terry Myerson and Joe Belfiore avoided a direct answer, instead joking about how “seven ate nine” and then lamely saying how the “breadth of the product family” justifies the grandiose name.
Windows X would have been nicer but I guess with OSX they avoided that one.
They did mention that windows 1 would be nice to work with xbox1, OneDrive and OneNote, but said it had been done already.
They named 7 to make people think it was very different from vista even though it's the same thing, tweaked.