Meet YouTube Red, the subscription YouTube experience


News Guru
Meet YouTube Red, the ultimate, subscription based, YouTube experience. Ad free and comes with Google Play Music!


Read more on YouTube Red.
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They are getting awfully close to that "adult site" by adding Red at the end:p

If you are able to watch movies on YT and get full access to Google Music all for that $9.99 per month, this could grow into a much broader Netflix. You are getting more for the money. Obviously limited YT movies on there but if they really try to they could get it to work, they have deep pockets after all. However as it stands I'm not sure what to think of it.
Why would I pay for a service that's already free? Why would I pay to remove ads when my browser does it for me? Why would I need to download youtube videos when that can be done already?
Ad Blocker (Also on Xposed) + Xposed Framework for background play and watch offline and I have my free YouTube Red... I use Spotify anyways.
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i actually whitelist you tube.
a lot of people who i watch either daily or weekly depend on the revenue they get, and they dont get it if we addblock. they then move over to things like patrion for funding which ends up being conveluted when ppl/devs they review start donating on patrion..

I dont see me paying for a subscription unless they do a yearly one for like £12 and they also get topgear and trailer park boys on the site the second post production is done on the eppisodes.
They are getting awfully close to that "adult site" by adding Red at the end:p

If you are able to watch movies on YT and get full access to Google Music all for that $9.99 per month, this could grow into a much broader Netflix. You are getting more for the money. Obviously limited YT movies on there but if they really try to they could get it to work, they have deep pockets after all. However as it stands I'm not sure what to think of it.

Yes that is what i was thinking with the Red on the end it's such a Faceplam for a new YouTubeRed or RedTube :lol:

I won't even pay a full year of Netflix, I just can't see myself paying into this. If the price was $4.99 then I might get it four months out of the year when the weather is too bad to do much when I am not working.

I won't even pay a full year of Netflix, I just can't see myself paying into this. If the price was $4.99 then I might get it four months out of the year when the weather is too bad to do much when I am not working.

Matter of time until there's BlackTube :lol:
i actually whitelist you tube.
a lot of people who i watch either daily or weekly depend on the revenue they get, and they dont get it if we addblock. they then move over to things like patrion for funding which ends up being conveluted when ppl/devs they review start donating on patrion..

At approximately £0.16 per view, I don't think they suffer too much from a missed view. Especially those with hundreds of thousands of subscribers
At approximately £0.16 per view, I don't think they suffer too much from a missed view. Especially those with hundreds of thousands of subscribers

What about the millions who have small amount of youtube presence? Most people are not really known. Those people do miss out on a lot. Easy to think of the dozens of big name youtubers, however it's even easier to forget the multi-millions of those are barely have any subscribers.
What about the millions who have small amount of youtube presence? Most people are not really known. Those people do miss out on a lot. Easy to think of the dozens of big name youtubers, however it's even easier to forget the multi-millions of those are barely have any subscribers.

If I were them, then I'd reconsider my career choice. No offense to them when I say this, but they see people who make a considerable living off of youtube and think they can do the same, when not everyone is lucky enough (or entertaining enough) to play video games or vlog daily as a career

My having adblock doesnt affect the little guy since I don't watch him to begin with. Much like society, the rich get richer and the poor struggle to gain subscribers ;)

Who do you think your $9.99 per month will go to? The little guy? nahson
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If I were them, then I'd reconsider my career choice. No offense to them when I say this, but they see people who make a considerable living off of youtube and think they can do the same, when not everyone is lucky enough (or entertaining enough) to play video games or vlog daily as a career

My having adblock doesnt affect the little guy since I don't watch him to begin with. Much like society, the rich get richer and the poor lose subsyolo

My point of view is, The reason why Youtube is doing this is cause of people using AdBlock and yes i have been one of them too also is going to get to the point where you will not be able to skip the ad's like you can now and plus the ad's are getting longer, Also what is stopping someone from trying it it's a free platform atm.

People who use AdBlock it affects the whole of Youtube not just the smaller channels too you can applies this to other places too like Twitch.

Also with the big Youtube channels it has taken them years to get big it hasn't been an overnight thing, It has taken some channels 8-10 years to get to like 2 million sub's.

It's not that hard to whitelist it, But i know not everyone will whitelist.
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I will absolutely not whitelist it. I watch quite a bit of youtube vids and I get ever so annoyed by the, in my eyes, agressive ads. It's a waste of my time having to watch an ad for 10s I am not interested in in the first place.

It used to be just a little banner pop up in the bottom of the vid which you could instantly close, that was ok with me. But being forced to watch an ad before every single vid and sometimes even during the vid, no thanks. If I want to get an overload of ads I'll watch stuff on the tv.

Take the OC3D forum, the banners with ads, relevant to the topic I'm browsing (tech, duh) are perfectly fine imo. They're not agressive in a way that they prevent you from doing what you came here to do and don't generate pop ups you are forced to watch for a certain amount of time before you can even close them.

But to get back on topic with the OP: it's as if youtube is wanting people to pay for something they are already doing for free, lolz :lol:
It's a waste of my time having to watch an ad for 10s I am not interested in in the first place.

I'm sorry but wow "A waste of Your time having to watch an ad for 10 seconds" wow you know you can just mute the ad and un mute once the video starts.

Youtube is doing nothing different than what Twitch does it's a similar service when you think about, My point of view is that the Twitch Community is more understanding than the YouTube Community also i'm starting to think that the YouTube Community want everything for free.
I'm sorry but wow "A waste of Your time having to watch an ad for 10 seconds" wow you know you can just mute the ad and un mute once the video starts.

Youtube is doing nothing different than what Twitch does it's a similar service when you think about, My point of view is that the Twitch Community is more understanding than the YouTube Community also i'm starting to think that the YouTube Community want everything for free.

Well you tube was a free service for the community before. I understand as it expands it needs servers etc etc and so subsidies for it, but I still refuse to allow ads. I guess its country dependant, but when I have to put up with an ad before "every" single link I visit, then to hell with that. Actually since this aggressive ad spam got worse, (even with adblock) I rarely use youtube anymore.

And im in the same boat, I don't want to watch an add for 10secs with or without audio.
Well you tube was a free service for the community before. I understand as it expands it needs servers etc etc and so subsidies for it, but I still refuse to allow ads. I guess its country dependant, but when I have to put up with an ad before "every" single link I visit, then to hell with that. Actually since this aggressive ad spam got worse, (even with adblock) I rarely use youtube anymore.

And im in the same boat, I don't want to watch an add for 10secs with or without audio.

Yes YouTube was a free service that was really before Google brought them back in 2006 or 2007 when you think about it once Google brought it in my view that is when it became corporate.

Well if your running Chrome as you daily driver soon enough you will have no choice in the matter cause Google is going to put some code into Chrome where it will disable every type of Ad Blocking extensions and if Google is going to do it with Chrome i think it will just be a matter of time until the likes of Microsoft & Mozilla will follow suit.