mb and cpu help


New member
Im not sure this is in the topic where it needs to be so im sorry if it isn't

But im having some annoying problems that might be because of the mb or cpu
I have a
biostar Ta970 mb
with an amd 4350 fx cpu

And recently my pc takes a long time to boot or to start programs mostly the programs even crash and it just gets worse with the day sometimes the pc just freezes and also fails to boot

so if anyone could help me with suggesting what to do would be really nice

If the cause is the mb or cpu I was thinking of getting an
And an AMD FX-8350, 4,0 GHz
as it just fits in my 300euro budget

and thanks in advance :D
You don't need a new motherboard for the FX-8350 your current one can handle it with a bios update.
As far as the crashing issues, it could be that your hard disk is going to die soon
okay thanks alot
about the motherboard i was going to get that one for future overclocking and sli as this one does not support it
You can overclock with that board either through the BIOS through AMDs windows utility called AMD overdrive, I woud personally recommend the AMD utility since I had a quick look the manual and the bios doesn't seem too user friendly to me
Could be faulty RAM as well. IF youve got a pair of 4GB sticks, try pulling one out and running for a little while and see if anything changes. If not, swap them and try again. You can also run Memtest to test your RAM as well.
ok il try to change the ram sticks i normaly have some old ones so il try those 2
i also installed amd overdrive to check how to cpu is doing and when i try to start a game and play its at 80 to 100% (minecraft/the crew)on all 4cores for a while then it drops to 50% and when its loading a webpage its at 50% on al 4
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That CPU usage sounds normal to me
Edit: since your budget is 300 euro you could buy the 8350 and you will have plenty of money left for an SSD you will see windows boot in 3 seconds. It's so beautiful! :D
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You'll want a different motherboard for that 8350, the biostar board looks like it'd provide insufficient power from what I can find.
okay thanks im just a newb at this :)
and i realy need an ssd booting up takes 10mins with and wd green
and il will get the other mb for sure
You'll want a different motherboard for that 8350, the biostar board looks like it'd provide insufficient power from what I can find.

Are you sure about that? Biostar site says that the 8350 is supported on that board. Obviously without overclocking...
Are you sure about that? Biostar site says that the 8350 is supported on that board. Obviously without overclocking...
the 8xxx cpus are only worth having when you can overclock them. This motherboard appears to be not oc friendly. I'd go for a 990fx motherboard from Asus or Gigabyte. With AMD its really important to get the best motherboard you can, especially with an 8 core. I'd guess it'd be ok if OP ran it for a few months, but it is not a long term solution.
This motherboard appears to be not oc friendly. I'd go for a 990fx motherboard from Asus or Gigabyte. With AMD its really important to get the best motherboard you can, especially with an 8 core.

I think that Asrock released a gaming board last march for the 990fx, they've added m.2 support and has premium audio, it's the 990fx fatal1ty killer board. In greece it's the same price as a 99fx board by asus (the blue and black one). the asrock has better features but doesn't suport the 9xxx series, the asus one does. they are the best price/performance 990fx boards out there
would the msi motherboard do for the overclocking part ? but if u have any suggestions for other motherboards give me them
Basically the MSI board will do the job but I would recommend going for the 990fx chipset.(I've read an awful lot of reviews about am3+ socket motherboards) So my recommendations are:
990fx Fatal1ty Killer by Asrock
990fx Extreme6 by Asrock
ASUS M5A99fx pro R2.0 by Asus
The first one is more beautiful, gaming oriented while the other two have a power delivery system that can handle up to a 9590 while three of them beeing in the same price range as the 970 gaming board by MSI.
Also the Fatality board and Extreme 6 board seem to be identical.