Maximus VIII Hero q-code 13


New member
Hi lads,

Assembled the system, try to boot but it gives me a code 13, then goes to 00, reboots and retries a couple of times (usually 1) before staying off. 13 is 'pre-memory CPU initialization is started'.

Tried one RAM stick, and none at all; same effect.
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Code 00 is not used with Asus boards, not to be confused with D0 which is CPU initilisation failure, I have the same issue with 00 code which happens on cold boot after it's been powered down for 6+ hours, it takes a good few attempts to get a successful boot. I've scoured all of Asus's support forums on this problem and it's quite common as far as I can see, some say they fixed it with Bios flashbacks or updates others simply have just RMA'd their boards.
I just mean out of the case on a box or something, not a physical test bench sorry I should have been clearer. Just to rule out the motherboard shorting out on something in the case is all.
Ah right ha ha! Any ideas on what it might be shorting, if it does? Am going to use bios flashback shortly, maybe that helps indeed.

Horrible coming from a bad pc, only to have the new one not booting.

Flashback didn't help. Afraid I have to take it all out again and put it on the box like you suggested.
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Call me a pedantic mofo if you wish (many do, trust me!) but before I put a new system into a case I assemble the whole system outside of the case, using the anti static bag and motherboard box as a platform. I then install the OS and bench everything at stock speeds and voltages in case anything needs RMAing.

It's a good habit to get into for any future builds :)
You need to try everything that was in the case, you could have had a dodgy connection or crappy cable etc etc

Checked every cable, connection and device one by one outside of the case, even took the top panel and connected that - it all works! Left two fans in th case but already disconnected them when all was still in the case and it didn't make a difference.

So ehm, I am clueless right now...

I did find I had the reset and power switch connectors reversed on the q connector (had the coloured cable as the ground, oops) but it worked fine like that just now - maybe it causes problems with the the additional separate ground cable that runs from the front panel and needs to be screwed onto the chassis? Grasping at straws here.
I had this problem before with my PC(was boot related)

Using the incorrect cables that did not come with the PSU(seasonic cables with a corsair unit) as well as having a sata cable quite often lose connection due to bad latching on drive's end, caused immediate shutdown. Using Corsair's cables and a new sata cable fixed my boot issues. You should check that out since you changed cables outside the case. To also mention, my said issues didn't arise until 6 months after building the PC, so who know's why it took a while. Seeing as you just built the PC, I'd say check those cables.
Will give that a go, thanks man! Also looking for something that might cause a short in the case but finding nothing noticeable at all. Cables I use are CableMod.

I might just install Windows with all outside the case first.
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Not even behind the motherboard? Is it lined up properly and no standoffs are even slightly touching outside the dedicated standoff holes? That's the first thing I would look for. I'd also check to make sure the CPU is seated correctly and also remove it to look for any bent pins. If that's good then I'd say use the stock cables and one by one change each cable for a cablemod one and keep going until you hit that boot problem. If it's a cable problem that will rule it out. Do all this outside the case and then inside the case. You might find a cable problem occurs inside the case do to it bending in a certain way or being pulled on to tightly.
What do you mean by: no standoffs are even slightly touching outside the dedicated standoff holes? I think you mean not lined up perfectly, right?

Checked CPU and socket, all is fine. All that's touching the case, from what I can see, behind the motherboard is the AIO cooler bracket, but that's plastic.
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Check the case doesn't have the 10th ATX standoff installed.


Nope, 9 correct standoffs installed :(

It's probably something silly and insignificant like that, really don't want to end up buying a new case because that something can't be rectified.

Edit: all is running like a charm with the original PSU cables. Into replacing cables one by one for the red ones. But hey, progress eh

Edit 2:

I'm now proudly writing form my new system, in the case, with my beloved CableMod cables and all. Must have been a not perfectly aligned standoff or something. Cheers guys for the swift help!

Three more question regarding this board though:

I'm on BIOS 1202 btw.

1. Under normal operation the q-code A0 remains displayed; isn't the LED display supposed to turn off under normal operation?

2. Sometimes it doesn't recognize my keyboard (Corsair K70 RGB (2 USB connectors)) when I boot and remains undetected in the OS. Manually putting it into other slots works but is a drag.

3. Now and again it says overclock failed during post, but I haven't overclocked yet (other than enabled XMP for the RAM, which is then set back to auto and 2133).
Yeah, the operations being handed off to the os, I believe. Just thought the leds were supposed to switch off that some point :)

Will update keyboard firmware for that recognition issue, and set RAM manually if the issue persists.

Was hoping to do some overclocking today but alas, maybe come weekend.
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