Having played it, (and staying within NDAas best I can)
I'm impressed so far, very faithful to the 3 proper movies thus far. Sound effects are spot on (like,
spot on) the guns sound ace and feel really good.
How they made a laser weapon feel like it creates recoil is odd, but quite satisfying.
Texturally speaking and graphically... it's pretty freaking gorgeous in the flesh it must be said.
It feels a little bit battlefield'y but at the same time, it also kind of doesn't. I think it only does because of the preconception of Dice doing it with Frostbite, I think the gameplay and powerups and stuff separate it enough to make it a different game.
Not going to say much more than this, other than I'll be playing the crap out of it this weekend
Edit: Also, allll those videos have gone
