Massive Leak shows details on Skylake Xeon Chips


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A huge amount of information regarding upcoming Skylake Xeon CPUs have leaked. Skylake 'Purley' will be the biggest upgrade since Nehalem.


Read more on the leaked information on Intel's 'Purley' platform.
I'm a designer & server buyer for a very large HP/Intel customer and while some of this stuff has been announced before some of the more interesting aspects of these slides are very new. In particular I'm very excited by the, essentially built-in, RDMA - we use this via expensive IB kit for high performance Hadoop clusters and the idea of being able to do all of that for far less cost and complexity is a big turn-on. As is the increased memory, in our VMWare clusters we're rarely 'compute-poor' and end up buying more servers just to match our memory needs, even with page-sharing etc. Can't wait for 2017!