Mantle comes to sniper elite 3!


News Guru
Over the last few months Rebellion added support for AMD's Mantle API to their Asura engine used in Sniper Elite 3 Game and Rebellion's future titles.


Read more on the addition of AMD's Mantle to the Asura Engine and Sniper Elite 3 here.
It's not so exciting it deserves ALL CAPS EXCLAMATION! surely? It's hardly Microsoft releasing XBONE games on PC.

Sniper Elite is an okay game but Mantle will go the way of PhysX or any other proprietary system. If it's not available on every hardware format, nobody will take advantage of it. Which is why Havok physics dominate these days.
Cool, I've just started to play that this afternoon, I'll check it out in the morning, and see if there is much difference.
Cool, I've just started to play that this afternoon, I'll check it out in the morning, and see if there is much difference.

Yeah, now seems like a good time to get back to playing it. I did enjoy the game but exams and stuff got in the way this summer.

I remember that Mantle was supposed to be a launch feature on that game.