Man Found Dead From Gaming Binge


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A 32-year old man from Taiwan has been found dead inside a Internet cafe at his desk after a three day gaming binge. Emergency services were called to the scene when a customer found the 32-year old motionless slumped at his desk.

The man known by his surname Hsieh was rushed to hospital but pronounced dead due to cardiac failure. Sadly, Police believe the man had passed away several hours prior to being discovered due to the condition of his body.

Strangely, gamers continued with what they were doing as though nothing had happened when paramedics arrived on scene, maybe slightly disrespectful?

Cold temperatures and exhaustion from the extensive hours playing games are likely to have contributed to Hsieh's cardiac arrest, a police statement read. According to a report from Jennifer Wu a police spokes person, the man was unemployed and the Internet cafe was the only place he could go, further adding "His family said he would disappear for two to three days on end."

Our thoughts go out to Hsieh's family and friends.

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Its people like this that give gaming such a bad name in eastern Asian countries like China and Japan... What an idiot
You could say he was Left for Dead :(. Distasteful jokes aside, I wonder what he was playing, my money would be on WoW or some other mmo.
Oh boy, that's gotta be a LAN Party... "Hey dude, your neighbour" - "Huh?" - "Mate, I think he's dead" - "oh"
I don't get this. I've gotten lost in Skyrim for hours on end, but at some point the body will tell you to eat, sleep, and hit the bathroom. How the heck does one game for 3 straight days without drugs? I have insomnia, and I used to go 3-4 days with zero sleep, but that doesn't kill you. I'm betting he was on something.
Its people like this that give gaming such a bad name in eastern Asian countries like China and Japan... What an idiot

I think this is quite disrespectful, you know nothing about this poor fellas life or the effect it may have had on his family, on that note my thoughts go to his family.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say he possibly had an underlying medical issue that contributed to his death, just simply playing games isn't what killed him, sitting idle for 3 days straight fueled with copious amounts of stimulants won't have helped in any way but simply playing games which is what the media seem to be driving at won't have done anything to him other than gaining his attention for such a prolonged period of time.
Its people like this that give gaming such a bad name in eastern Asian countries like China and Japan... What an idiot

Bit uncalled for...

Obviously there is more to it than just "3 days of gaming", possibly a heart condition.

Taiwan is one of the worst countries in the world regarding addiction to online gaming.

Not so long ago a 14yr old boy murdered a 9yr old girl just to pawn her earrings in order to fund his gaming in an internet cafe.
Well, the source article states that this is the second one in 2015 and we're not even a month in.

To join in on the discussion, the gaming was probably not what killed but we can't deny that if he had not been gaming for 3 days straight it might not have happened. Do remember that the article stated his family said he would 'sometimes disappear for days on end'. If you do stuff like that regularly you should know that's going to be bad for your health.

It's kind of like any other addiction, like alcohol or drugs. If a person drinks himself to death then you can still feel sorry for them and their family, but they did make the decision to do it to themselves, even with a blurred vision on life (not a pun).

What disgusts me is that other customers in the internet cafe just kept on gaming while a dead body is being removed from the room that they are in? You'd think if you witness a person with a similar lifestyle to your die so suddenly, it'd make them think. Other than that it's just play disrespectful. To bring up the alcohol comparison again; If you're at the club and someone dies, do you keep partying and drinking in said club?

I just feel bad for his family tbh.
No this is a new story, if you follow the source. But it seems its happened before?

There have been some similar like a girl playing wow for 3 days straight dying from a heart attack in Japan, but as is the case with much of the media out to attack the gaming scene, they never provide the full story otherwise trying to emphasise heavy gaming sessions would be moot when it had no relevance to the injury/death involved in the story.
There have been some similar like a girl playing wow for 3 days straight dying from a heart attack in Japan, but as is the case with much of the media out to attack the gaming scene, they never provide the full story otherwise trying to emphasise heavy gaming sessions would be moot when it had no relevance to the injury/death involved in the story.

The actual gaming as such didn't kill him, but probably the neglect for his well being and health did. If this was a regular thing then he couldn't of been healthy but you need to remember the headline of this is in place to catch peoples eye, thats how media works.
If he had died of a heart attack in burger king it wouldn't have made the national news but because 'Gaming is for fat nerds lol xD' it made international news.