Low cost. alternative to a 900d (but smaller)


New member
so my haf 922 case is really to small. I have a 60mm rad in the top with 0 fans in the case and it BEARLY clears the memory I had to mount the fans outside the case with fan grills (kinda looks ok because the HAF has a high part at the front any way)

Basically though the case is to small for water cooling properly. i did manage to mount a 60mm 240 at the front as well which means that my water cooling for the cpu and gpu is "adequate"

What i actually need however.
Is a case where i can mount atleast a 240 60mm in the top in push pull no problems.
Then a 240 60mm at the front in push pull "no problems"
And preferably an extra section at the bottom for the psu, and 2 more 240 60 rads (or larger) (they do not have to be push pull but would be nice)

the 900d seems to be able to do that with ease. But its pretty damn expensive.
I looked at the 750d and i dont think i could use that one.
The 800d i cant tell but i do think its a bit smaller.

So are there any other alternataves?

I use a 2 bay res so needs a MINIMUM of 3 5.2 bays.
I do use mechanical drives still so a movable 3.5 rack "4 drives" would be wanted.
and i have an ssd so i wouldnt mind if that gets mounted at the back of the motherboard or where ever.

What are my choices?
So your curent case is too small and you want a cheaper but smaller 900D

the 922 is to small. i probably should have known that something with the prefix "high air flow" was NOT really the best idea for radiators lol.

If it had an extra section at the bottom like the 900d has then i could probably make it work..

The main issue with it is the gap between the top of the case and the top of the mother board is to small.
then the 3.5 inch drive bay are stuck in place but that wouldnt help me if it was movable any way ad the 5.2 bays take up to much space too..

I would love the 900d. but theres no way the wife is going to give me the go ahead on that lol.

The haf 922 is just a mess of wires and tubing with 25mm 120's every where they can fit and some slim sythes any where they dont. (at the front pressed against the 3.5 drive bays i have a 60mm 240. on the floor below it is a 120mm intake that i have put a sythe as an intake there just so that rad gets some cold air. the 200mm front fan keeps the hard disks cool enough. Then the top 240 rad Can only have 2x 25mm 120s in pull on the Oustide of the case.
then the rear 120 25mm fan is set up as an intake fan.. to try and supply that with some cooler air too..

So 2x 120's and 1x2oo are intakes.
and the 2x 120s at the top are exhaust.

It does work and the system is perfectly cool.
But if i go gaming for 4 hours The water in the resivour is Blaitanntly HOT "not warm.. hot"
im sure if the 2x 240 rads i have were able to be set up with push pull and so they were actually At venting points that would be fine. but this case wont let me do that.

And im used to running just the cpu on my loop. So now i have the gpu in there to i find i have to up the fan speeds which annoys me.
I do like having the system near silent but all that went out the window when i added the gpu to the loop lol.

yes basically i want a case that is LIKE the 900d
can have atleast 240x60 with push pull rad in the top (even a 480 would work great as i could put both the 240's up there)
Then a 240x60 at the front Right against the front of the case (so it can be in push pull and have a spot to vent properly And not just dissipate heat in to the case)
but has to have atleast 3 5.2 bays.
and 4 3.5 bays "preferably movable so i can get the extra rad in the front"

If it can do that then thats pretty damn perfect for me.

But if there is one that does all that and then also has a seperate bottom section for the psu. and possibly the option for even more rads down there + my pump. that would be hevenly.

The only case i have seen so far that does all that is the 900d.
But like i said there is no way the wife is going to ok that because of the price.

Phanteks Enthoo Primo?

i am going to have a look at the review on here.
I will also search if tom has made a video review as i do like to watch those given the amount of detail he goes in to.
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Why don't you pay for your wifes nails to get done and then secretly order the 900D teeeheeeeheee
Unless you have Tri-SLI, 750D surely o.O


The 2 things i want from water cooling are..

1 Close to ambient temps.

2 near silent running.

Thats it lol..
I dont care if it looks like a dog. But it has to keep my system cool, and i dont want to hear fans ramp up from idle to higher rpm's due to gamin.
I need more rad space lol..

Also i clocked my 780 to 1.3ghz and that thing can generate a good bit of heat fair play to it.
It slowly "but surely" heats up the water in my loop well it did when i had the fans at low rpm. I have had to set fan profiles for everything with speed fan now "which isnt easy because that stupid thing only works from temps. and i cant set it to ramp up due to load"
and by the time the temps are high then the water is a LOT hotter than i want it to be. so i have to set Higher fan speeds at lower temps to keep the water cool..
So really if i want it back to silent running under 100% load. i need more rad space.

Also if i get the right case i will be able to make it pretty.

i was looking at the 750d
And im not sure if it ticks all the boxes i want. or if the 800d would be better.
the ttl review of the 800d is a bit on the ancient side of things So its not the best a/v quality. so im dont know which 1 would be better over all for my particular needs...
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after more research im thinking that i can probably do with the 750d. I may sell the 2x 240 rads and get 2x 360's instead which im pretty sure they 750d can have.
Dependent on if I still have it, I would need to check in the small bedroom but I should have a 900D that I am doing nothing with.

If I have still got it and you don't mind a drive to Warrington, you can have it and a 480x60mm and 360x60mm rad as I am not using them and have no intention of using them in the future.

I also have a Cosmos II one of these that I am not using any more.

When I can get in the small bedroom I can get some pictures and post them here if you want them, as I say I am not using them and have no intention of using them and not interested in any money for them, as I was going to just be skipping them in the next couple of weeks anyway.

The 900D and Cosmos though are probably missing some screws, GPU slot brackets and the hdd cages will potentially broken or missing so be aware of that as you might just need to find some from somewhere.
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The 900D and Cosmos though are probably missing some screws, GPU slot brackets and the hdd cages will potentially broken or missing so be aware of that as you might just need to find some from somewhere.

Well in all honesty, if he gets it for free... there's no complaining or so really.
if you do have it let me know as that would be more than generous, and warrington in the grand scheme of things is not really that far.
And as said by others.. missing parts and screws is not an issue at all.
if you do have it let me know as that would be more than generous, and warrington in the grand scheme of things is not really that far.
And as said by others.. missing parts and screws is not an issue at all.

I will look tomorrow and let you know ASAP, cannot get in there at the moment as we are having to have the bathroom re-fitted to make it easier for my mum to use since her op, but we will empty the room abit tomorrow so I can look then.
I will look tomorrow and let you know ASAP, cannot get in there at the moment as we are having to have the bathroom re-fitted to make it easier for my mum to use since her op, but we will empty the room abit tomorrow so I can look then.

lol Dont worry about that. i also have a room like that "i call it the pink room"
it was always meant to be a little work shop for my soldering work and similar,
but since we moved here i have been having to store all sorts in there whilst we work on other parts of the house.
Right dug them out and both cases look ok apart from some dust and a few missing screws etc.

There are some fans in both cases, which I don't need as I have alot of Akasa Apache Black fans somewhere and still have some boxed Corsair fans as well.

There is the rads as well, and if I can find it I have a D5 pump as well that you can have, I really don't need any of it and if you can get some use out of it then it saves binning them.

They will need a clean as my dad isn't the best at keeping cases clean.

Images should be available on the link below


If they are ok for you let me know and I will PM you my address and then we can sort a date out for when you can collect them.
Right dug them out and both cases look ok apart from some dust and a few missing screws etc.

There are some fans in both cases, which I don't need as I have alot of Akasa Apache Black fans somewhere and still have some boxed Corsair fans as well.

There is the rads as well, and if I can find it I have a D5 pump as well that you can have, I really don't need any of it and if you can get some use out of it then it saves binning them.

They will need a clean as my dad isn't the best at keeping cases clean.

Images should be available on the link below


If they are ok for you let me know and I will PM you my address and then we can sort a date out for when you can collect them.

they are more than ok..
No idea if i have anything you may want here but let me know if you think i may have something you want..
To be honest the only thing I need is a AIO for my ITX Rig but other than that there is nothing really and I may be getting a AIO at the end of next month from my brothers pc just depends if I can fit it in my 250D.

I will drop you a pm now with my address and number and then we can sort out when you have time to collect them.

Shambles picked up the Corsair Obsidian 900D, Coolermaster Cosmos II, XSPC RX480, XSPC RX 360, D5 Vario pump and 2 Resevoirs yesterday, so we should see a Build log soon with those parts.

If I could have found my bag of fittings, fluid, tubing and other radiators then I would have passed them on as well but I cannot find them need to look deeper in the attic, shed and small bedroom to find all that stuff.

Was nice to meet you Shambles, even if it was a short visit :)
same here, Sorry was a short visit. If i had my own car would have been a longer stop over. dont really think i want to do 180 mile round trip with a little 100cc scooter any time soon though..