Lizard Squad Hacked


New member
Some interesting news has just surfaced online. Lizard Squad, who are responsible for multiple hackings including the recent PSN and Xbox Live service takedown, which you can read more on here, have experienced a security breach themselves.

Security guru Brian Krebs has learned that someone hacked Lizard Stresser, the cyberattack-for-hire service known as Lizard Squad. The breach exposed the project's customer database, which was ironically stored in plain text -- unless clients change their passwords, they're about as vulnerable as the sites they paid to take down.

I wonder if law enforcement agencies will be onto this as fast as they were on the PSN and Xbox Live services, something tells me probably not.


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Nice write up!

Keep up the good work, I'm really enjoying your news posts. As I said before I like your writing style :)
They paid to DDOS the sites, not really to hack into the sites. DDOS is more or less to 'block' access to the site through creating a load of network traffic.
I was making a comment on what Lizard stresser actually does. They don't advertise any other service.

Again what's stopping them from doing more? You don't really need to advertise it. Helps make it so competitors can't directly compete with things they don't know about giving you an edge.
Some dumped names, addresses and numbers of supposed lizard squad on a blog a run. Didn't check it out though.

They didn't really "hack" anything they just flooded it with traffic.
Again what's stopping them from doing more? You don't really need to advertise it. Helps make it so competitors can't directly compete with things they don't know about giving you an edge.

What is stopping them is that they are now the target of several other groups. Hence all the doxxing and the hacking of their stuff.
I understand that but before all this happened there was nothing stopping them.. do you see it now?^_^

They've done stuff in the past (they took down LoL and Destiny), although again that was just DDOS. Yeah they could have done something, I just very much doubt they had the talent to.
They're not lulzsec. I very much doubt a group who doesn't know anything about security will have any tricks up their sleeve short of announcing a newer botnet.
They've done stuff in the past (they took down LoL and Destiny), although again that was just DDOS. Yeah they could have done something, I just very much doubt they had the talent to.
They're not lulzsec. I very much doubt a group who doesn't know anything about security will have any tricks up their sleeve short of announcing a newer botnet.

I never said they did.. i'm saying they could have. I'm not disagreeing with you^_^