Hey there OC3D folks!
Just recently I've started transitioning from Windows 8.1 to Arch Linux as primary operating system.
It's been working pretty good so far, I have most of what I use daily at my fingertips.
The problems start when I go about gaming tho. With much trouble I managed to get Steam working and playing CS:GO also works just fine. There was huge audio lag, caused by pulseaudio, but I found a workaround, that's not my main issue.
My main issue is, whenever I start CS:GO it does >>something<< and all other programs that use audio ouput (for example Spotify or Chromium) suddenly stop relaying audio and everything goes quiet. CS:GO still plays audio just fine and after a short while teamspeak also catches itself, but Chromium and Spotify I have to restart.
Does anyone have any idea where this might come from?
Just recently I've started transitioning from Windows 8.1 to Arch Linux as primary operating system.
It's been working pretty good so far, I have most of what I use daily at my fingertips.
The problems start when I go about gaming tho. With much trouble I managed to get Steam working and playing CS:GO also works just fine. There was huge audio lag, caused by pulseaudio, but I found a workaround, that's not my main issue.
My main issue is, whenever I start CS:GO it does >>something<< and all other programs that use audio ouput (for example Spotify or Chromium) suddenly stop relaying audio and everything goes quiet. CS:GO still plays audio just fine and after a short while teamspeak also catches itself, but Chromium and Spotify I have to restart.
Does anyone have any idea where this might come from?