Link: Jetway Make GREAT Overclocking 939 Board

I showed frag this mobo and he almist died laughing but it seems to be not as bad as it looks :eek: :rotfl:
O'm not doubting that this board is probably fuckin 1337, but I don't think Jetway as a company holds ground against any of the "proven" hardcore board manucaturers. More than likely they just got lucky with this one, I wouldn't expect this to become a jetway trend.
name='FragTek' said:
O'm not doubting that this board is probably fuckin 1337, but I don't think Jetway as a company holds ground against any of the "proven" hardcore board manucaturers. More than likely they just got lucky with this one, I wouldn't expect this to become a jetway trend.

Nor would I but it does look damn good and at USD $120 its a friggin' bargain :D
OMG - I think i'm gonna cry!


Sort out the colour scheme on that board, and replace that NB fan, and u have urself one pimpin mobo!
If I was in the market for a SLi Compatible nF4 board, that'd be the one I'd take, :).

Jetway, better late than never to make a name for yourself :D.
WTF??? Jetway as an "hardcore board manufacturer", that could be considered as a misnomer for sure ;) . But hey the numbers are clearly on the board, super effort Jetway in producing a board of this calibre. Like XMS said though, " sort out the colour scheme on that board, and replace that NB fan, and u have urself one pimpin mobo!"
yeah thats what i was thinking as well, but from what i remember epox look god damn similar except for the different colours, also have a look all epox boards that ive seen have those LED indicators.
name='harmonicgen007' said:
yeah thats what i was thinking as well, but from what i remember epox look god damn similar except for the different colours, also have a look all epox boards that ive seen have those LED indicators.

Uhuh - but no EpoX boards have 3 x PCI-E lanes like that and certyainly not the cool idea of just sticking the SLi'd vid cards in the purple slots :p
jet way are starting to get in the entusiast market. also the mobo which is given free with the evga 7800gtx offer is made by jetway aswell :D
name='harmonicgen007' said:
that board looks suspicously Epox, i have my suspicouns

That would be negative, lol... EPoX board color pwn those colors :D They may be simple, but better than that ghetto ass theme :)
Don't cry Fraggle. Just cause it beats your DFI in the stock multiplier OC, doesn't mean it's better ;).

It's like you're trying to find problems with the board...when frankly, there isn't anyway.

How about patting JetWay on the back for making a pwn-l337 board.
