Lian Li creates a luggage style PC Chassis

I quite like it. Classy for a LAN rig and loving the trolly. Very corporate. The handle would be a bit annoying for a permanent setup but for what its designed for it works well.
Its a shame there isn't a windows as the interior is pretty clean. I'd almost be tempted if it had a window (and didn't have the handle).
Just imagine showing up at an airport with that filled with hardware. That's going to take some explaining :lol:
I'm surprised there isn't any GPU support bracket(s). To justify such a rig that would require ATX size, most would probably fill it to the gills. Bumps on such small and what look like rigid plastic wheels with no suspension system would translate very nastily into heavy air cooled GPU's. Anything but a low profile CPU cooler/similar light weight component wouldn't fare much better I'd think.
Lian Li has always been one to push boundaries.

I've always been a bit partial towards cases that have the PSU in the front as opposed to underneath the motherboard, given it saves height that I wouldn't need.
Just imagine showing up at an airport with that filled with hardware. That's going to take some explaining :lol:

Just never water cool it, good luck with the "What is that coloured liquid inside that large cylinder sir?".
Just imagine showing up at an airport with that filled with hardware. That's going to take some explaining :lol:

Especially the older gigabyte sniper motherboard :lol: Rekt at customs! Counter terrorists win! :lol: