Legitmacy of G2A


Active member
So after my room mate using my Guild Wars 2 account for some time and never really levelling much I told her to buy her own account so I could start playing again.

Looked up G2A which has been decent in the past with keys and purchased a Guild Wars 2 key. After a week, we find that today her account has been suspended/banned. Turns out there are a few people with the same issue who have purchased from G2A and then got banned.

So my question is how legit is this site. I used to think I could trust it but seems that is not the case now. Only reason I purchased from there is I read from others on this forum quoting deals and that it was a decent place to go.

Anyone else had issues like this?
I know G2A have been having issues with people buying keys in bulk and selling them on to other countries, it's one of the reasons why we can now only buy Steam keys from sellers within our chosen countries jurisdiction.
I've used them several times and had no problem. Last purchase was Call of Duty advanced warfare on 15th November 2014. I don't know if anything has changed since then though.
I had an update from G2A. The seller apparently aquired a large batch of stolen keys and was selling through G2A for Guild Wars 2.

I raised a dispute and the favor went my way according to G2A. I will be refunded within 24hours. However I'll believe that when I see it back in my account.

I have purchased from them in the past without issues. But even though this is one case of having an issue, the story behind this has now made me skeptical about purchasing anything from them again when it comes to online gaming.
I'll probably use it for single player games but will definately stay away from MMO/FPS such as CoD, GW2 and any future title similar. I just don't want to risk it.

I don't want to run into the recent issue like Far Cry 4 also such as the mass amount of people having their keys banned, regardless of some regaining their accounts.
Ive used them for their "Buy a random game for a dollar" and have gotten games worth x5 and x10 the amount i paid for them. Not the best games, but they are secure, legit and user-friendly
I guess it depends what seller on the site you buy your keys on. I have bought 5 copy's of CSGO and had no issues. I don't even buy G2A Shield. ( You Should)
I guess it depends what seller on the site you buy your keys on. I have bought 5 copy's of CSGO and had no issues. I don't even buy G2A Shield. ( You Should)

firstly that's a bit of a necro post, secondly... why would you need 5 CS:GO keys?