KFA2 GTX980 HOF Hall Of Fame Edition Review


The Guvnor
Staff member

I finally get my hands on the white HOF - no swimsuits in sight.

KFA2 GTX980 HOF Hall Of Fame Edition Review
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Tis a very high end decked out card with a price tag to match. Gorgeous, but for a memory bus like that the price is downright silly.

Still, if it sells it sells I guess.

Thanks for the review Tom. Not watched it yet I'll be honest and probably won't given it has nothing to offer me but thanks for the time.
Wow this looks so nice and sexy! Who in the past did full water blocks for the HOF´s? A proper water block on this would do some of the OC justice!
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Nice Card but what a strange set of results. do you think it could be down to drivers? I mean a stock 980 beating this in crysis 3 seems strange. still a cool card though shame its white