Issue with Display/GPU


Was playing Assetto Corsa when my monitor went blank and switched itself into stand-by but my PC was still on.

Following a reboot the PC hung for a while on the windows screen then restarted itself. I checked the reliability monitor and it reports than "LogonUI" stopped working many times as did "Windows Logon User Interface Host". Maybe I need to reinstall Windows?

It also reported a hardware error and in the description was the following:

LKD_0x117_Tdr:3_TdrBug:575504_TdrVTR:10_IMAGE_nvld dmkm.sys

I recognise the "nvlddmkm" from Nvidia based stuff so it seems my GPU stopped working. Could this be driver related?

Any help would be appreciated gents!
*puts tongue in cheek*

It's the PSU ! quick get a new one !

*removes tongue from cheek*

I would first do the usual stuff. Memory test, hard drive diagnostic/scan and then run Valley or Heaven for a couple of hours and see if that causes any more crashing.
id imagine it was a driver crash or similar.
possibly due to a windows update or something. I would still check all my gpu fans work though.
Hi guys sorry for the (very) delayed response, I've had so much going on!

Turns out it was a combination of having been Folding and running a Virus scan at the same time. The drivers also crash if I open Spotify whilst Folding too... Oh well.

Thanks for you help anyways!