intro statement


New member
hello world.

i've been subbed to the OC3D youtube channel for a while now i guess. i'm an old school geek, at 50. first use of a pc was in 1982 with a trs-80. my first real computer was an apple][+. i was more interested in the public domain program fire organ and making pink floyd videos more than anything, it was the 80s after all.

took a break and traveled the southwest. it's pretty there and the food rocks.

builing PCs since 1999. 1st was amd 350MHz, but i did use scsi drives. i ran NT 4.0, then put together an 800MHz intel with standard ide drives and loaded red hat. got hooked on that pretty quick. i moved from red hat when they went to a paid subscription, to slackware, to debian, to ubuntu, to gentoo and have been on arch now for a couple of years.

worked for many companies in a place called the research triangle park in central north carolina.

i now have a 6 year old girl and mostly tend to her.

that's it i suppose.
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