Intel's 8th Gen Cannonlake CPUs with have a 15%+ performance increase over Kaby lake

well they claim there that Kaby Lake has 15% boost over Skylake and we all know how that turned out. Will believe it when I see it
Trying to grab attention I see from AMD. Not gonna work

Yeah it's like the ahole kid at the back of the class sticking up his hand and shouting "ME ME ME !".

I wouldn't even mind if they weren't tricking people either. It's impossible not to notice the 1 & 2 and then saying that it's basically 15% faster in one benchmark.

If Intel want to stop the rot they need to do it now. It's time to stop being so god damned precious with core counts and drop the prices.
These chips are also 12-14 months away for the desktop, mehh. Reading the Ryzen bits and bobs over the last couple of days and with the attention seeking from Intel it's all looking like AMD is up to snuff in the desktop cpu space again.
Yeah Intel are P***ing a LOT of people off with the constant need to change board every other cycle, now I understand the need for change to keep the industry rolling but seriously they could slow it down some
And I'm glad that AMD are giving them enough of a scare to announce this now
This thread is so funny.

Looks like some people are getting butt hurt over Intel making an announcement.

People it's all fair in Business.

I have no issue with Intel making an announcement there allow to do
This thread is so funny.

Looks like some people are getting butt hurt over Intel making an announcement.

People it's all fair in Business.

I have no issue with Intel making an announcement there allow to do

Seriously dude how do you get the idea that people are so called butt hurt?
All I can see are people expressing opinons :confused:
Seriously dude how do you get the idea that people are so called butt hurt?
All I can see are people expressing opinons :confused:

Easy 2 people are moaning about

I'm not going to be nice for the sake of being nice.

A lot of People give AMD way too many passes and no they moan about intel.
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I think Intel might actually be worried about Ryzen which suggests that we might have real competition in the desktop space.
It's a shame that their knee-jerk reaction effectively spits in the face of Kaby adopters.
Surely they'd have been better off waiting until after Ryzen's release to know for sure if/how they're going to need to respond, especially if they're so confident in their own future CPUs.

Yet again the unveiled bias of KooS and absolute nonsense pours forth. Nobody is "butthurt", nobody is "giving a pass" to AMD.
It's called conjecture. People are sharing opinions formed from the information provided. It's a skill you'd do well to learn rather than just looking for posts you dislike so you can deliver the, now unsurprising, verdict that you "don't like" them.