Intel Pentium G3258 Questions


New member
Hey guys,

I am really tempted to go ahead and get myself a G3258 as I really want to learn and practice overclocking properly and have heard this is a great chip to do so with. But I am a little confused about what mobo to get and what to expect from the CPU.

Firstly, what would be a good board to go along with this CPU? (bearing in mind I don't want to spend too much... around £100)

Secondly, I heard this CPU can be overclocked on B85 and H81 boards if I download relevant BIOS updates but also read this could significantly reduce what I could get out of the overclock, is this true and am I better off going with a Z97 board instead?

Third and finally, what are some of the overclocks you guys have achieved with this CPU? along with the hardware you have running along side it!

Thanks, Jasper.
When I had mine I got 4.4ghz on an ITX board with hardly any phases at all.

TBH dude if you want to learn about overclocking you would be much better off with an AMD FX CPU or 1366 Intel. The latter may be a bit hard to find though, but those two are about the most difficult to learn and once you learn them everything else is easy.

Usually with Haswell and Haswell E the highest clocks can be achieved by simply typing the multiplier in, adding some voltage and then rebooting to test it. I don't think you can bus clock a Pentium though you would need to do some more checking on that.
Msi Z97 Pc Mate should be fine to learn Oc-ing with a G3258,but as AlienAlx noted,you could/should try out one of these options he mentioned above.
Thanks man really appreciate the reply, yeah I tried to look for some 1366 stuff but can't find anything which may make my life harder, I just felt a bit like going for the G3258 because of the significantly low price so if I were to ruin the chip I would be £50 out of pocket rather than £100+

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Thanks for your reply and for linking your thread, I will check it out now!

I watched Tom's video originally and it is what got me into buying the chip; however some on the lingo at the end confused me and so I wanted to learn for myself what it is all about!

If this is for a secondary PC or one that you wont really be gaming on then the Pentium wouldn't be a bad idea, however if you do want to play latest games and use the PC for something other than basic office apps etc then you should probably consider something like an i5 instead.

That said, the Pentium is a fun little piece of hardware to OC.
Thanks for your reply! I buy it with the intention of using it to game on, however computer parts aren't free and being a student I have literally 0 money and so am trying to get the best bang for my buck, it seems this chip is the best I can get whilst staying within a £400 budget for the whole build!

If you have advice on any parts which are really cost effective then I would really like to know.

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Thanks for your reply! I buy it with the intention of using it to game on, however computer parts aren't free and being a student I have literally 0 money and so am trying to get the best bang for my buck, it seems this chip is the best I can get whilst staying within a £400 budget for the whole build!

If you have advice on any parts which are really cost effective then I would really like to know.


The Pentium is not for gaming. Not even overclocked. In the games that I tried it just stuttered really badly. Whilst I wouldn't say "Quick every one get a 200 core CPU !" I would say that most if not all games want four cores now and anything less is stutter city.

I would strongly consider looking at the I3 6100. Even though it's not quad core it does have HT on, so you get 4 threads. I know it's more expensive than the Pentium but last week I priced it up with a Asus Trooper? motherboard and it came it at less than £200 for the board, CPU and ram. You can't overclock yet on that board but even stock the I3 will demolish the Pentium even with the Pentium overclocked.

Just to make sure that the GPU was not an issue I put a Titan Black with my Pentium, but even at 1080p* it just stuttered like crazy in all of the modern games.

*IF anything you need more CPU power at 1080p because the GPU will want a lot more from it seeing as at 1080p most modern GPUs can do it with their eyes closed.
Thanks for the reply again, OK I will look into more options for the CPU to make the build a bit more do able for games and day-to-day demanding tasks.

Look around for a second hand AMD FX 6300 or similar and an appropriate board to overclock it with. It will still demolish any I3 other than Skylake in multi threaded apps and makes a great budget OC chip for gaming.

Just be sure to run any motherboards past us here before you order, as many will throttle due to having no cooling on the fets.
Thanks so much, I will definitely check out the options mentioned above and specifically this one as I want something that I can overclock and play around with.

When I have found something I will definitely run it past you guys here to ensure everything will be as intended!

Thanks again, I really appreciate the help dude!

If you have advice on any parts which are really cost effective then I would really like to know.


AMD's Athlon X4 860k is a very good chip for the money. If you want something super cheap and overclockable then I'd fully recommend it. It'll play every game (as it is a proper quad core) and they're great fun chips to mess with. I had its predecessor (a 750k) with a 750Ti

If you shop around you'll be able to pick one up with an aftermarket cpu cooler for cheap. Certainly less than any Intel CPU worth having.
Thanks very much for the advice on the part, really appreciate that, I will definitely check it out now; I was planning to get a 750Ti also as I love the fact it is under £100 (I am trying to keep every component of my build under £100).

Thanks very much for the advice on the part, really appreciate that, I will definitely check it out now; I was planning to get a 750Ti also as I love the fact it is under £100 (I am trying to keep every component of my build under £100).


You can get a second hand Radeon 290 or Nvidia GTX 780 for around £120 used and they will both destroy the 750ti.

I strongly recommend looking around for second hand parts. Avoid Ebay where you can, but most forums have sale sections you can buy stuff from.
Hmm again very interesting I will check it out and see what I can find, that price does sound great though!


As soon as the 390 and 970 dropped to around £230 or so it made them worth a whole load less. As an example, I managed to pick up a Asus Mars 760 (dual GTX 760) for £120.

As you can probably work out, one 760 alone will trash the 750ti, two will annihilate it.

Now granted there aren't many bargains on the FS forums here at OC3D (every one seems to think their hardware is worth Ebay+ prices here) but forums like AVF and so on will give you a nice varied choice.