Installing CPU on non compatible BIOS


So, I'm noob when it comes building a system from scratch, I want to ask.
When I want to buy a new motherboard and CPU but the mobo comes with the old bios that doesn't support the current CPU (but the newest bios does) is it possible to update the bios on the motherboard without the need of another CPU that is currently supported by the bios on the mobo? Only company that I know that has that feature is ASUS on their ROG and TUF series.
I'm wondering about the other boards
As far as I'm aware you can't mate, you need to install a cpu, to be able to get into anything, with the exception being certain Asus boards like you mentioned. You might be able to replace the bios chip, I have no clue what it is all about, I've just seen it mentioned as an option, when I ran into the problem with my G3258, I was lucky enough to be able to find a local shop that let me take in my board, and update the bios whilst they supervised, but if anything went wrong with the cpu, they were going to charge for it. Which was fair enough, they were kind enough considering it was such an odd request " Excuse me mate, can I borrow a current gen Intel cpu, so I can update my motherboard, oh and buy the way, I don't want to buy it ? " I don't suppose there are very many people who would say " Yea no probs mate " the guy was a star.

Have you got a friend or family member who could help you out ? If not you might find a willing local shop that might help even if they charge a few quid, still cheaper than buying a new one just for an update.
Thankfully I haven't gotten anything bought yet and I'm still in a phase of planning. That PC is not going to be for me. So I'm thinking about bothering with building a new for a friend because troubleshooting alone takes time and I won't even get paid for it... Thanks mate!
Sometimes the retailer you're buying from can update it for you... sending a message and asking wouldn't hurt.

If that doesn't work there's another, slightly less ethical way. If you order a CPU that does work with the board from amazon, you can use that chip to update the bios, then return it.