Indie Developers Report Steam Refund Abuse.


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Indie Developers Report Steam Refund Abuse.


Read more Indie Developers Reporting Abuse of the Steam Refund System here.
So in plain terms we make crap games and now we keep having to give the money back because steam made it easier for our disappointed customers.

Don't think I missed anything

Devs - get Your shit together and start making quality games instead of alpha/beta preorder access. Same goes to Indie devs.

Im sick of games who, in some cases, can't bring joy and fun for more than 40 min.

For me it's a Win for customers who are lured to buy shit.
While I think there will be a small number instances of this being abused, both Greenlight and Early Access are a hive of scum and villainy so I have very little sympathy for devs when Valve decides to implement a very basic consumer right.
While I think that there are people actually abusing the system, I think most cases are that people simply don't like the game. This is good encouragement for devs not to make soddy games.
if this would be able with origin, EA would be bankrupt xd

From Origin:
You may return EA full game downloads (PC or Mac) and participating third party titles purchased on Origin for a full refund. Refund requests can be made within 24 hours after you first launch the game, within seven days from your date of purchase, or within seven days from the game’s release date if you pre-ordered, whichever comes first. And if you purchase a new EA game within the first 30 days of its release date and can’t play it due to technical reasons within EA’s control, you can request a refund within 72 hours after you first launch the game instead of 24.

Origin had this long before Steam. It maybe quite possible that Steam's refund policy is due to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission and their legal action against Valve for violating Australian law regarding refunds...
well than i take back my words ^^, though i thought i read somewhere that origin didnt had it but points is proven!

But now it makes me wonder, if so many people bash about EA, how much of them would actually go for a refund or do they just cry cause they like to? I mean if you dont like the game, it looks pretty easy to get a refund.
Hello I am a developer. I just made this crappy game.. I sold 5 copys. but 4 people wanted a refund because it sux!
steam need to not give refunds!!!
i Wasted 3 8 hour days making this game using 3d game maker lite that i got for free on a pc magazine 8 years ago.
This is just not fair!

as for EA
I dont buy EA titles simply because they are usually better to play multiplayer, and you have no idea if it will still be online when you decide you want revisit the online portion after you had been playing something else for a while.

Some of my fave games were EA games. but i cant play them any more because they were only worth playing online, and EA shut the servers.
then you have the sports games. where EA close the servers to force you to buy a new version, Regardless of the fact that the new version is worse than the previous game in all respects.

And refund available or not. they wont be refunding you for the game after they shut the server down. so its kind of a token gesture thing any way.