In the market for a new office chair


Average Penis Too
Hey guys!

First of all, to the mods, I hope this thread is in the correct sub-forum. If not, feel free to move it.

Anyway, I'm in the market for a new office chair. The chair I currently have is starting to fall apart. It has major holes in it, and I can't sit on it for more than 2 hours without hurting my back. With my birthday coming up fairly soon, and having worked a lot in the past few months, I should be able to set aside about €300 (=£214) around December. Hopefully that's enough to get a nice, soft chair to ease my back.

I have a few chairs in mind. My personal preference goes out to the DXRacer. I like that they offer life-long warranty on the chair frames. I specifically like the R-series RF0. I'm fairly average height (just 1.76m / 5'9"), but I am very slim (51kg), so I'm scared it might be a bit too big for my smallish posture. The smaller F-series chairs are out of stock everywhere too.

I also had a look at some GT Omega Racing chairs, specifically the EVO chairs. It struck me that they only had a pink EVO in stock, and when I reached out to them on Twitter, they told me they are discontinuing the EVO-line. I then had a look at the PRO chairs, but I'm not sold. They are the least expensive, though.

Lastly, I checked out the Maxnomic chairs. I really like the Dominator ones, but they are fairly expensive when you factor in shipment. They also seem a tad bit on the large side for me, while the smaller 'Thunderbolt' model seem too small (plus I don't like their design). I'm at a bit of an awkward height, it seems. Dominator chairs are meant for people of 1.76m or higher, and the smaller models are meant for people of up to 1.75m.

Of course there are the other brands, like Vertagear and AKRacing. Vertagear seems hard to find in the Netherlands though. Not sure about AKRacing.

Does anyone have experience with any of the mentioned brands? I hear amazing things about DXRacer, but they are the most expensive too. I'm willing to pay the premium over the other chairs if it's worth it though.
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I know, had a look at the F-series too. Thing is they're out of stock everywhere I look, with expected shipping dates of more than two months. A shame really, they look amazing :(
Im sitting on a DX racer M series, those are kind of made for the bigger person, but i have a friend which is like you in weight and also has the M series and he loves it even though its is slightly overkill for him. I would recommend one any day really, shame its above your budget though.
Im sitting on a DX racer M series, those are kind of made for the bigger person, but i have a friend which is like you in weight and also has the M series and he loves it even though its is slightly overkill for him. I would recommend one any day really, shame its above your budget though.

I see, that's good to hear! :)

If the M-series is comfortable for a smaller person, the R-series chair I mentioned in the OP shouldn't be too bad. That does clear up some of my hesitations on that model!
I'd also recommend the DX racer M series, all DX racer chairs are pretty much the same build and feature wise just different sizes.
Plus i think DX racer has rebranded to DXseat not completely sure lol
I'd also recommend the DX racer M series, all DX racer chairs are pretty much the same build and feature wise just different sizes.
Plus i think DX racer has rebranded to DXseat not completely sure lol

Cheers, good to hear DXRacer is as good as I read everywhere!

I think DXSeat is actually a rip-off; DXRacer said that on Reddit.
Really dude just go to some local office supply shops and try some chairs. I bought mine as a show model for €35 from Leen Bakker and it has lasted me since 2012 and it's super padded and comfy. Don't buy into those 'gaming chair brand' things tbh. Just actually go sit on them in a shop and pick the most comfortable for your bottom.
Really dude just go to some local office supply shops and try some chairs. I bought mine as a show model for €35 from Leen Bakker and it has lasted me since 2012 and it's super padded and comfy. Don't buy into those 'gaming chair brand' things tbh. Just actually go sit on them in a shop and pick the most comfortable for your bottom.

You should come here and try my M series :P
I actually have considered going for a cheaper, non-'gaming' chair, but I decided against it. Not because I don't think those 'regular' chairs aren't good, but because of my back. I used to have a load of back problems as a little kid, something to do with my spine. It's all good now, haven't had major back pain in ages, but I do notice that my lower back does start to hurt after sitting for more than two hours. For some, that seems like a long time, but being a Journalism student, I sometimes sit at my desk for hours on end.

I figured that if I spend some good money on a good chair (even though they're pretty overpriced), I can finally sit behind my desk reaching out to sources and writing articles all day without having to worry about my back (you can apparently sit for up to 24 hours in these 'gaming' chairs without damaging your back). Plus, the DXRacer chairs have lifetime warranty on their frame, which is nice.

That being said, I think I have pretty much decided that I'll go for the DXRacer R-series RF0.

@NighT: I was wondering where you ordered your chair. I see the model I like is in stock at, but only in blue (I want either a red (reppin' that new OC3D colour) or a white one), and I have a feeling they'll go out of stock again fairly soon. Plus, they're really over-charging (€320 instead of €280). Should I just order it via I've heard some mixed stories about the DXRacer Europe site.
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I ordered my DXRacer King series chair from, I didn't have any problems at all.

The chair has been amazing for fixing all my back pain, so it has been well worth the money for me.

Been able to sit in the correct sitting position with all the customisable options and support that the DXRacer chair provides has been an excellent experience for me and much better than the many cheaper old office chairs I've gone though in the past. Spending more now on a good ergonomic chair from an decent manufacturer of your choosing can save you money and pain in the long run.

Also if you haven't got one already I've found a footrest to be a great addition to my seating set up.
I actually have considered going for a cheaper, non-'gaming' chair, but I decided against it. Not because I don't think those 'regular' chairs aren't good, but because of my back. I used to have a load of back problems as a little kid, something to do with my spine. It's all good now, haven't had major back pain in ages, but I do notice that my lower back does start to hurt after sitting for more than two hours. For some, that seems like a long time, but being a Journalism student, I sometimes sit at my desk for hours on end.

I figured that if I spend some good money on a good chair (even though they're pretty overpriced), I can finally sit behind my desk reaching out to sources and writing articles all day without having to worry about my back (you can apparently sit for up to 24 hours in these 'gaming' chairs without damaging your back). Plus, the DXRacer chairs have lifetime warranty on their frame, which is nice.

That being said, I think I have pretty much decided that I'll go for the DXRacer R-series RF0.

@NighT: I was wondering where you ordered your chair. I see the model I like is in stock at, but only in blue (I want either a red (reppin' that new OC3D colour) or a white one), and I have a feeling they'll go out of stock again fairly soon. Plus, they're really over-charging (€320 instead of €280). Should I just order it via I've heard some mixed stories about the DXRacer Europe site.

I ordered from the DX europe site, and it took about 2 weeks for them to deliver the thing. Dont pay particular attention to mixed stories, every online store has them floating around their head. For me and my mate who also ordered from dxeurope it was a good experience that just took a while because of the huge demand for the M series back then, DPD shipped the chair from poland to the netherlands in 2 days which was quite quick considering it went by truck hehe.
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Good to hear! The model I want will be available again starting November 17. Let's hope they'll still be available early December, when I'm ordering it. Thanks a lot guys, I think I might have just found my new chair :)