i7 4790k Asus z97-ar thermal problems


New member
Im having abit of a heat issue with my CPU.
This is my first atempt at overclocking a cpu, but allready at the very start i seem to be having a problem with the cpu running very hot at stock speeds.

I watched the TTL overclocking video on youtube (i know it was with a different cpu and a gigabyte mobo, but still i feel i got the idea right).

Set my volts manually to 1.15 and set the multiplier to 40 so it would run at 4.0 ghz.

I use a Corsair 100i GTX cooler with corsair link wich i just reseated and reapplied new thermal paste from noctua thinking that might have been the problem.

When running OCCT linpack with AVX and all logical cores, it runs at 71-80c. wich i think is WAY to hot for it beeing running at stock speeds?

Am i doing something wrong?

ps. English is not my primary language so i do apologize for any typos :S
I've got the same setup. What program are you using to read temps? try different ones, bios, hwmonitor, coretemp. temps should idle around 30 with that cooler. My temp with clock at 4,5 and vcore at 1,2 lies around 55 at full load. that's with a custom loop but the pump turned way down.
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I have Asus AI suite running with temps and OCCTs temp reading and the corsair link software. Im starting to think the problem lies in the corsair aio unit or software. because as of right now the fans are not running at all when in idle but starts when the temps go up.

*edit* idle temp right now is 40c but as i said, the fans are not running even while i set the link software to performance mode.
Hmm, can you enable some kind of performance mode with the corsair software? have fans run at 100%?

Sorry I have no experience with aio coolers whatsoever. There are alot of people here that do fortunately.
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Ah i think i found the problem with the fans not going full speed, turns out the corsair link software was set at the correct 100% speeds but the AI suite from asus was set to quiet. Turned that to turbo and i can now control the fans from corsair link.

However. the temps are still not that good:
running OCCT with the same settings as above lands me at 64-73c max temp in the different cores.
Still at stock speeds...

I would think that the h100i should be able to keep it under 55c at those speeds and volts :S
I suggest you dont use the AI software. Its pretty bad, shows false reports and resets very often citing "your CPU fan has changed"

Try to get familiar with your fan settings in the bios. Its quite easy and useful once you get used to it. The manual explains it well. And those stock temps are fine for a 4790k. I got 55C using custom water loop with stock volts. 64 at stock is average so nothing to worry about there.
So i uninstalled the AI suite, and so far idle temps are REALLY low right now, around 34c with a small overclock at 4.3 ghz.

After watching the video TTL posted about the Z97-a MOBO and the I7 4770k, I cant help but notice that he is NOT enabling AVX during the OCCT linpac test. So then i decided to try that out for size, and now we are talking much much better temps.

What exactly would enabling the AVX option in the OCCT software simulate? i mean, whats the real world application where those kind of loads would be put on my cpu?
So ive been running som tests with OCCT without the avx option ticked.
So far been running 4,7ghz at 1.26volts- max temps of 79c with the corsair 100i gtx running at balanced.

I was dreaming of 5ghz, but that seems abit far off with the heat and the volts.

Where do i stop as far as the volts is concerned? 1.3? without wearing on the cpu too much,