hows trick's guys ?


New member
How are you all doing, I've been away for a while dealing with the loss of my Nan, well my mum really, she and my Granddad, raised me from 4 months old. She was taken into care on the 23rd of December 2013, and we were told she would be lucky to last a year, but just like my Nan, she lasted until Christmas eve, almost a year and a day.

I'm glad to say things are slowly getting back to normal, apart from keeping a very close eye on my Grandfather who is alone for the first time in 65 years, I bet he feels empty, an lost. But things need to normalise and we must pick ourselves up, and carry on.

So I hope you all had a great Christmas and new year, I've got a lot of catch up reading to do, I've been that all over the place I just herd yesterday, about the whole 970 business , what a bunch of buggers ey, dirty dirty dogs. Well I'm off to catch up, any good recommendations, of build logs to start with ?
Welcome back and my condolences fella, if your wanting build logs may I suggest JR23's ChocolateBox or Snefs new blue angel II even TTL is at last getting his server build sorted. Plenty of catching up to do.
Welcome back paulstung sorry for your loss and as has been mentioned already there are some good build logs so enjoy
hey buddy! sorry to hear about your loss, glad to have you back on the forums though
Welcome back mate!

I am sorry to hear about your (grand)mother. Hope you're alright, and if not you know where to find me! I think that counts for a lot of the people here, we're there for each other :)

As for build logs, I'm still working on mine. So many mods to do...

Also have a look in the news section, there are a few new people on board!
Cheers guys, some kind words there.

I have just finished the new TTL, server build vid, it looks like it is going to shape up nicely, as for Sneff's new venture, I had a quick gander, but decided, to read through it fully tomorrow, when I'm a little more in the mood, it deserves my full attention.
Thank's guy's it's good to be back, and even better that for the first time in 8 weeks, 2 White is the new black " is finally up and running again. I stripped it down to swap out the Aquacomputer 150ml res, for my 260 Photon, the 150ml, just looked silly in a Luxe, it was a bit of a battle to get it in, although the Luxe, has a lot of good points, unless you use, the mountings where Phanteks suggest you don't have a lot of options really.

I ended up taking out the PSU shroud, a nice idea, but, I didn't like the fact it wasn't full length, to me it looked a bit naff, being 3/4 length. But after a good sit back and stare, and about 4 cups of coffee later, I figured it out, and got in in there, and I think it fits in like a treat. I just need to sort out some custom cables now, as with it being white black, and grey, at first, it looked a bit bland, so when the Aurora 2 blue went in, it gave it the lift it need, but I done my cables, with the original colours, so I just need to replace the grey with blue, and she'll be done.

I'll get some new picture up in the morning, when I've got some decent light. For now, later guys....