Hotline Miami 2 Dev Says Australians Should Torrent Their Game


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Following the ban on Hotline Miami 2, developer Dennaton Games has adviced Australian gamers to pirate their upcoming top-down actiongame.


Read more on Hotline Miami 2 Dev Advicing Australians To Torrent Their Game here.
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Not surprised at all. The Australian Classification Board will find any excuse to ban a game.

It's great that the dev's given his blessing for Australian gamers to pirate the game and as a by-product the game has gained more publicity, which is not a bad thing at all.

With that said, I hope people don't use this as an excuse to pirate the game in places where it's legitimately available.
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Not surprised at all. The Australian Classification Board will find any excuse to ban a game.

It's great that the dev's given his blessing for gamers to pirate the game and as a by-product the game has gained more publicity, which is not a bad thing at all.

I agree, even Saints Row IV had be to altered before would pass classification in Australia. Not that Saints Row IV is a game for kids, but it's not that bad.

Don't think Hotline Miami 2 will be changed for Australia though. The publisher has stated that they stand behind the dev's visions of how the game should be.