Hi guys

It is because you used links and/or images and the thread is now in the approval area, I'll have a look for you right now dude :)

(I'll also remove this thread afterwards)

Edit; Okay I just approved this one as you copied the contents and have removed the duplicate thread from approval. If you want to show off your rig some more you can make a Rig Gallery, or you can Introduce yourself. Welcome to the forums :)
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alright, thanks :)

Edit; Okay I just approved this one as you copied the contents and have removed the duplicate thread from approval. If you want to show off your rig some more you can make a Rig Gallery, or you can Introduce yourself. Welcome to the forums :)
OK, i will when i get around to it. need a better camera though, to let it come to it's rights :P

thanks :)

PS: could you remove the newbie tag, since i'm already at 5GHz? :D
or is it an indicator of time as a member?
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PS: could you remove the newbie tag, since i'm already at 5GHz? :D
or is it an indicator of time as a member?

It is a post count thing, just don't spam your way towards a high post count and it'll go away soon enough! ;)
Got anywhere in mind that you would like to be buried ?

Mars would be fine...

Maybe it would help if you actually introduced yourself instead of just posting "look at my overclock and rig and let's discuss it" ;)

This was my introduction. do you want an essay?

I expected people to show a little interest. it's not like this sub-forum is drowning anyway.

You posted this at 5:43am UK time what do you expect at this time of the morning?

It's not 6am everywhere, buddy.
Wonderful intro, excellent way to make a good impression on a mostly UK based forum on a Monday.

Good luck with that.
It's a UK based forum with mainly UK/EU members hence low activity at 6am when everyone is mainly in bed or getting ready for work.

I must come up with an activity graph for when most people are online, I usually find it's around 2pm GMT.. ish ?
I must come up with an activity graph for when most people are online, I usually find it's around 2pm GMT.. ish ?

Makes sense considering that's when a lot of people have a dinner break and/or finish work if they are early workers.