Help deleting file.


New member
Hi folks
I have a folder stuck on my desktop and I can't delete it, Let me elaborate, I tried to download skyrim serious texture overhaul as a torrent (a mod that's disappeared from the regular net) using a certain browser the name of which I probably cant mention here, something odd happened whilst downloading and I ended up with a 0 kilobyte folder that windows can't verify or move or change in any way, Inside the folder is two files that are read only and named after the aforementioned mod with the file type listed as "file", I have tried deleting both individually to no of vale. So far the folder has been present for roughly 24hrs with no signs of virus.

(Some things I have tried and failed) - System restore (completely fails), Malwarebytes, Windows defender, file shredding freeware, Ccleaner, CMD prompt rmdir/rd /s.

Help please, thx in advance.

edit: PS, I'm on windows 10
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I assume the rights are not properly set on it? Properties>security tab shows the rights of a folder/file. It could say something odd as owner of the file with you or the system admin nowhere to be found. In that case you cannot change the file as you don't have the sufficient rights to do so.

A solution for this could be to play around with the 'takeown' command in command prompt. Open an elevated command prompt and type 'takeown /?' for the available suffixes. If I recall correctly it should work if you change the directory of your command prompt to where the file is located by typing 'cd c:\..' (the path to your desktop)

Once there type 'takeown /f foldername /r'. Could be in the wrong order, not sure, should check with the /? command. It should give the currently logged in user full control rights over the folder and files inside the folder (/r is recursive) so you can get rid of it with a shift+delete.

I once had trouble deleting some virusishy file that crawled on many personal flash drives of people at work and I resolved it using the above method. Worth a shot if you simoly have insufficient rights.
I assume the rights are not properly set on it? Properties>security tab shows the rights of a folder/file. It could say something odd as owner of the file with you or the system admin nowhere to be found. In that case you cannot change the file as you don't have the sufficient rights to do so.

A solution for this could be to play around with the 'takeown' command in command prompt. Open an elevated command prompt and type 'takeown /?' for the available suffixes. If I recall correctly it should work if you change the directory of your command prompt to where the file is located by typing 'cd c:\..' (the path to your desktop)

Once there type 'takeown /f foldername /r'. Could be in the wrong order, not sure, should check with the /? command. It should give the currently logged in user full control rights over the folder and files inside the folder (/r is recursive) so you can get rid of it with a shift+delete.

I once had trouble deleting some virusishy file that crawled on many personal flash drives of people at work and I resolved it using the above method. Worth a shot if you simoly have insufficient rights.

Problem solved, it turned out the only thing I didn't try was the "del" command in CMD, at first I used the folder location after "del" it didn't work until I tried it with one of the files inside the folder, then the whole thing disappeared.
I'm just glad that it wasn't a virus of sorts, thanks for your input.
Glad you got rid of it :) most likely it was just some leftover temp file that got stuck there after a failed download. Sometimes a simple reboot can make it go away as well. If not, cli to the rescue ^_^

Mine was a tad nastier as it would always auto restore itself from the recycle$ map too..
Shift + Delete removes the file immediately, skipping the recycle bin completely :)

I know, but it was built to be non deleteable. It had a hidden recycle$ map out of which it restored itself instantly. The bin restored itself too, it was a real pita cleaning all the sticks at work. Couldn't do a backup&format either as it copied to all the media it came in contact with :p