Hello to you all from Austria!!


New member
Hello everyone!

My name is Chris and I live in the beautiful city of Salzburg! I have been meaning to post here for a while now, but never got around to do it :(
But better late than never, right? ;)

See you in the forums!
There will be LOADS of questions about perfectioning and overclocking my current rig: "TTL told me so"
Welcome to the forums mate! I hope you'll enjoy your stay here ;)

Also, be sure to post a rig gallery of your build, we'd all love to see it :D
Welcome to the forums mate! I hope you'll enjoy your stay here ;)

Also, be sure to post a rig gallery of your build, we'd all love to see it :D

Specs and build + pictures will be up as soon as I am allowed to post pictures m8. It is 6Months old now, but most of you will still get a laugh out of it :p
Specs and build + pictures will be up as soon as I am allowed to post pictures m8. It is 6Months old now, but most of you will still get a laugh out of it :p

When I joined the forums I was using a PC I got for my 7th birthday in 2003 man, I was actually using it until about a month ago, believe me, we've seen it all ;)

What matter is that you've built yourself a PC, not all people can say that, you should be proud :)