Hello from Malaysia!


New member
Hi everyone, I'm Risa from Malaysia.

I'm new to this forum thing, I hope you all can help me from time to time.
I brought here by TTL or guv by his super long video (by my standard at that time) XD
Before I know TTL I usually watches those 5-10 minutes video produced by other content creator.
Now those video is are too short by my standard, I meant really-really short. Its funny how things works XD

I also beginner in the overclocking world ( I only know multiplier, BCLK and vCore, thats all )
Well, I dont have PC to begin with. :dude1:
I also fan of manganime (manga and anime), cars and PC of course. :D

I have few question:
-What is difference between profile picture and avatar?
-How to embeded link to signature banner?

I guess thats all, sorry for my grammar mistakes and long introduction. :dude1:

Nice to meet you! :D

P/S: I also brought here by those news section. Awesome section!!
Welcome to OC3D
Avatar picture is the picture that appears next to your posts. Profile pic is the pic that shows when someone visits your profile

I don't know what you mean "embed" a link to your signature. The site should automatically recognise links that start with http://
G'day Welcome to OC3D
Thanks !!

Welcome to OC3D
Avatar picture is the picture that appears next to your posts. Profile pic is the pic that shows when someone visits your profile

I don't know what you mean "embed" a link to your signature. The site should automatically recognise links that start with http://

Ahh... I see..

I meant like this, you can click the picture about your PC system and it will redirected to the PC project logs.