Hello Everyone!


New member
Longtime Overclock.net user and PC builder/gamer. Ironically, just got into Skyrim the other day and, well, I'm hooked.

Another awesome community joined. :)

In other news - why can't I add an avatar in my profile here? Is there a post count minimum I have to reach?
Welcome to the OC3D forums fellow Skyrimmer :lol: you'll be able to add a avatar and signature once you've built up your post count a little bit, it's a security measure to ascertain whether or not you are a spam bot.
Welcome buddy, i still play skyrim since its release i have played it from console or PC lol, and the pc is a whole new game.
Welcome buddy, i still play skyrim since its release i have played it from console or PC lol, and the pc is a whole new game.

It is once you throw 10-20 mods, Hearthfire/Dawn guard and Dragonborn at it, in 1080 it really starts to shine. Although I've just started Oblivion for the first time and loving every minute so far.
I love the Nvidia toys to make it even more graphically beautiful :)
And oblivion is great to i wanna play morrowind just graphics hurt my eyes lol Skyrim has ruined me lol
I love the Nvidia toys to make it even more graphically beautiful :)
And oblivion is great to i wanna play morrowind just graphics hurt my eyes lol Skyrim has ruined me lol

What Nvidia toys do you speak of? I have about 15-20 mods at the moment active (mostly graphical).
well before you had to set it at a higher res to display at a downscaled setting where as now the scaling thing called DSR (down scaled rendering) which works well and keeps text at the right size lol and i found it more stable.