GTX 980Ti Smiles for the Camera


News Guru
The GTX 980Ti has been pictured. Is its release imminent?


Read more on the GTX 980Ti here.
I look at this and think that would look nice in my case, then I think for the games I play now it wouldn't even break a sweat to run
Honestly NVIDIA if you are going to make end users pay 800$+ for a video card give it a backplate, for gods sake!

This !!!

It would cost Nvidia maybe $1 per GPU to add a backplate, If people are adding after market EVGA Titan X backplates to their Titan X's and seeing a 1-2'c drop in temps then I do not see why Nvidia didn't add backplates to the Titan X and 980 Ti, Really makes them looks a lot neater.
This !!!

It would cost Nvidia maybe $1 per GPU to add a backplate, If people are adding after market EVGA Titan X backplates to their Titan X's and seeing a 1-2'c drop in temps then I do not see why Nvidia didn't add backplates to the Titan X and 980 Ti, Really makes them looks a lot neater.

If NVidia were to add backplates to their cards I hope they do better than the ones on the 980 as they were very cheap and nasty.

Even the thermal pads on the 980 are crap compared to the ones used on the Titan X.
If NVidia were to add backplates to their cards I hope they do better than the ones on the 980 as they were very cheap and nasty.

Even the thermal pads on the 980 are crap compared to the ones used on the Titan X.

True, I just don't understand it, I know people who have bought the Titan X EVGA metal backplates and they've put the temps down by maybe 1-2'c and helped with memory cooling so why didn't Nvidia just put them on as standard :confused:
True, I just don't understand it, I know people who have bought the Titan X EVGA metal backplates and they've put the temps down by maybe 1-2'c and helped with memory cooling so why didn't Nvidia just put them on as standard :confused:

Because it costs more money.
Seeing as Tom put a picture of a parcel delivery on facebook, I'm pretty sure it was one of these.

I do wonder what the 980Ti will cost, how much I'll get for my two waterblocked 780Ti's and what the performance jump from 780Ti to 980Ti will be. It could be my next upgrade depending on those few factors.
True, I just don't understand it, I know people who have bought the Titan X EVGA metal backplates and they've put the temps down by maybe 1-2'c and helped with memory cooling so why didn't Nvidia just put them on as standard :confused:

Probably not people with 4 or them stacked though?

I cant wait to see some benchmarks on this thing. Ive only had my 290x Lightning 7 months but the rumors of this Ti kinda has me thinking I might sell my 290x and pick one up. I just recently got a 144 Hz monitor and so I cant get frame rates high enough now. LOL!

I wonder if this thing will be like the 780 Ti's when they came out in that theyll be about the same as the Titan but cost half.
I wonder if this thing will be like the 780 Ti's when they came out in that theyll be about the same as the Titan but cost half.

Well it has 256 less CUDA cores than the GTX Titan X's Full GM200 core, Half the memory and according to some other tech sites might suffer the same memory problem as the GTX 970 when going above a certain memory usage.
I remember reading that somewhere too about the memory issue. Still Im not sure if that will matter or not. It doesnt seem to hurt the performance of the 970's at least not that Ive seen anyone prove in testing. Guess we'll find out soon enough.