GTX 760 SC Vbios flashing help


New member
Heya guys!

As some of you may or may not know, I have an EVGA GTX 760 SC reference model and it's a great card (overclocks to 1202MHz without ever going over 80C on 60% fan speed), but the noise in idle does my head in.

For some reason, EVGA have decided that they won't allow the fan to spin under 40%, which is ridiculous cause my card idles at 28 degrees so it's really not necessary for me to hear it at all.... but I do.

This issue cannot be fixed by setting a custom fan curve in software, as the fanspeed is locked in the bios. After 40% I can set any fan curve I want, but even if I set it to 0 RPM until it reaches 45 C, it'll still spin at 40%.

I've thought about watercooling it instead, but of course I have the only reference EVGA GPU that does not have a full cover block available, so I'd have to use either a wonky looking solution like the NZXT G10, or use a GPU block only, but then I'd still need to leave the fan on for the RAM and whatnot (kinda like the mod Mysterrea once did with his 660s). So I'd just end up spending a lot of money (that I don't necessarily have right now) to either make it look bad but quiet, or make it look good and cool, but still loud.

Seems like my last resort is a bios mod. I've never done that before though, so I'm going to need some help.

I've used GPU-Z to make a file out of my VBios. I copied that and kept one as a backup.
Then edited the second one using Kepler bios tweaker, changing only the minimum fan speed from 40% to 20%. Kind of wanted to set the minimum to 0% so I can have it dead quiet in idle, but it has a closed off shroud due to being a reference design so I'm not sure that might be a great idea. I also don't know what the minimum voltage/RPM for the fan is to actually spin up.

Right, so now I have the bios all ready and stuff and I've been told that I can flash it from within Windows using NVFlash. Thing is that you need a few commands to flash specific cards, and they appear to be different for every GPU. But I have no idea which ones I need and there appear to be no guides for GTX 760s on the internet.

Can anyone possibly give me a list of the available commands and what they do? Or do any of you maybe know exactly which I need? Cause I really don't want to end up bricking my card :D but the noise is just too much.

Thanks in advance!