GTA V PC and GTA Online Heists Release Dates Announced


Average Penis Too
Rockstar has announced release dates for the PC-version of GTA V and Heists for GTA Online on its official website.


Read more on the GTA V PC and GTA Online Heists Release Dates.
They announced it's been 'delayed' again from the March 24th original release date ;)

I've said it before, I would much rather it be late, and correct.. than rushed.
Disappointing, but as long as they are using all this time to make sure it is optimized and not a broken pile of crap I don't mind. There are other games that are being released to fill in the gap between now and April.
Well EA will be pleased nothing to interfere with BF hardline for a couple of weeks still it's another punch in the face but what can you do
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