Graphics card advice?


Active member
Hey guys,

I've looked into the Cooler Master Elite 110 mini ITX case for a small home theather PC, that will be connected to my TV.

Now, I don't know what kind of graphics card that will be good for movie streaming and movie watching in general. But also being a "lower style cooler"?.

So yeah, if you know any that are small, that will fit in that case, that are also somewhat well designed for being in such a small case (thinking regarding the heat and airflow inside).

If your mainboard has on board hdmi you probably wouldn't need a card just put a bit more ram in the system to cover the video draw and you should be fine. Just a thought?
Though what cpu are you going to use OP? It would be great if you happen to know what motherboard and cpu you are going to use.
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We really could do with a touch more information on your proposed build, just including the case is pretty vague..

Please include.
Motherboard, CPU, RAM, Storage drives, cooling option...
I'm guessing you mean blower style cooler? :P

In which case the 740 would be fine. I'd also look at a 285x if you want more grunt as there is a tiny version of that too.
Umm, sorry about that... I didn't really think I needed to ask for that, as I only wanted recommendations regarding the GPU. But now I see and remember why I've should've included that!.
And as I said, I'm not that well known with this kind of stuff.

So asking you for what kind of a small, cheap, system you would recommend for it, in this tiny case?... RAM I'll probably just stick 2 sticks in there from my current system, Corsair Vengeance Corsair Vengeance 8GB 1600MHz.
I recon that it wouldn't have to be that all powerful, so an i7 would most likely be quite overkill for this.
Preferably Intel though (just happen to have used it the last couple of years and never had an issue with it).
Also, if you could include a small SSD, that you think would be enough for it, would be good?... I already have a copy of W7 that I will use on it.

So yeah... and if you want a budget... so around £430?... the lower the better.

Again, sorry and I apologize for not including this information in the OP!

@barnsley - Umm, I guess it's that one... it was actually Feronix who mentioned the name of the cooler. You've got a link to them?, doesn't matter if it's a one.

Thank you guys!
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Thanks for that!

I think I'll go with the small Silverstone PSU though, with the shorter cables, for a tidyer (?) cable management. How big would you recommend is enough (wattage)?...

Also, I've also thought of going watercooling on the CPU. Although, I'm not sure betwen Corsair H60 or Corsair H80i, the i is better due to corsair link and better monitoring of it inside windows. But the 60 is a thinner rad. Not sure on this, help?...

Lastly, which one would you guys recommend for a front intake fan on the rad?...
Corsair SP120 Quiet Edition, Noctua NF-F12 industrial (black one), BitFenix Spectre Pro or Silverstone Air Penetrator?... Keeping in mind, I want to try and have this PC as silent as possible here.

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