Grand Theft Auto V Release Date for PC Announced


News Guru
Rockstar Games is proud to announce that Grand Theft Auto V will arrive on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on November 18, 2014 with the PC version to follow January 27, 2015.


Read more on GTA 5 for PC and Next Gen consoles here
That so far away I might need to upgrade my upgrades :eek:

Fantastic news and my god do the new screenshots look awesome. I'm glad we have a date to get excited about now and although it's a little further away for PC users i'm not too worried. This game is going to last me for years and it will give me time to play Assassins Creed and Projects Cars and stuff while I get really hyped.


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Seriously? These A holes STILL manage to delay the PC version till after the new consoles. After how long. No respect. They have no respect for PC gamers.
Seriously? These A holes STILL manage to delay the PC version till after the new consoles. After how long. No respect. They have no respect for PC gamers.

They are respecting us by delaying it, rather than rush it out and it ending up being as bad as Watch Dogs was performance wise :)
Boy the screenshots look great.. But i am quite negative toward screenshots from any developer of any game because, well of course they've been touched up one way or another. Regardless in my view, this seem's as it will be yet another rubbish port (lets face it all console ports to PC are) i'll let people I know be the guinea pig first for this one then I'll decide if i'll purchase.
I can't believe what i'm hearing from people. Half saying blah blah no respect its ridiculously delayed and half saying it's going to be a terrible port. Firstly there are absolutely no grounds whatsoever to say it's going to be a bad port yet, nobody has seen any PC footage at all so wtf did that come from. And seccondly it's coming out 2 months later than the console version. I'm pretty sure they aren't just hanging about 2 months to do an awful port from next gen.

The fact that it's delayed a bit is the best news you could hope for as it shows they are taking it seriously and not rushing out junk. Haters gon' hate etc but seriously wait until there is any evidence at all.

The fact that it's delayed a bit is the best news you could hope for as it shows they are taking it seriously and not rushing out junk. Haters gon' hate etc but seriously wait until there is any evidence at all.


Exactly, if only more devs did this.
I can't believe what i'm hearing from people. Half saying blah blah no respect its ridiculously delayed and half saying it's going to be a terrible port. Firstly there are absolutely no grounds whatsoever to say it's going to be a bad port yet, nobody has seen any PC footage at all so wtf did that come from. And seccondly it's coming out 2 months later than the console version. I'm pretty sure they aren't just hanging about 2 months to do an awful port from next gen.

The fact that it's delayed a bit is the best news you could hope for as it shows they are taking it seriously and not rushing out junk. Haters gon' hate etc but seriously wait until there is any evidence at all.


Woah calm your farm matey lol.. I personally do not care that it's delayed as I am old enough to know and been around long enough to understand why such things take place. As for my comment for the 'Terrible PORT' I did very much say that, but it was not to be taken literally to the fullest extent. I was stating as 'we've witnessed such things being ported over and are just absolute shit'

I wasn't having a go at anyone, or bashing anything - so I will apologize to you if you did indeed get offended by my opinion. I hope I cleared it up better champ

good buy sweet 780Ti then ;-;

The benefit for me about this release date is that the panel (screen I want) might start appearing around then so i get to enjoy the game in full 144hz native 1440p IPS non Gsync goodness ^_^.

Is that ever gonna be a thing? 144hz IPS? has it even been done before. Yeah i'd probably go for that although tbh Swift is so phenomenally close to what i'm after I think I could live with it. Edit; oh it is a thing, very interesting.

Woah calm your farm matey lol.. I personally do not care that it's delayed as I am old enough to know and been around long enough to understand why such things take place. As for my comment for the 'Terrible PORT' I did very much say that, but it was not to be taken literally to the fullest extent. I was stating as 'we've witnessed such things being ported over and are just absolute shit'

I wasn't having a go at anyone, or bashing anything - so I will apologize to you if you did indeed get offended by my opinion. I hope I cleared it up better champ


We cool buddy, nobodies opinion offends me it's just people getting mad over two different things that are a direct effect of each other. Port is bad because rushed. Game is delayed because it takes time to port. ergo must be a bad port and it's delayed lol wut. Nobody has reason to be mad yet as nothing has happened and there was never an official date until now so how could it have been delayed lol. Hence I got mad because people were immediately mad.

Is that ever gonna be a thing? 144hz IPS? has it even been done before. Yeah i'd probably go for that although tbh Swift is so phenomenally close to what i'm after I think I could live with that.

I think one of the ones in the report I linked is actually one of those.
I can't believe what i'm hearing from people. Half saying blah blah no respect its ridiculously delayed and half saying it's going to be a terrible port. Firstly there are absolutely no grounds whatsoever to say it's going to be a bad port yet, nobody has seen any PC footage at all so wtf did that come from. And seccondly it's coming out 2 months later than the console version. I'm pretty sure they aren't just hanging about 2 months to do an awful port from next gen.

The fact that it's delayed a bit is the best news you could hope for as it shows they are taking it seriously and not rushing out junk. Haters gon' hate etc but seriously wait until there is any evidence at all.


Haha what?

Let's use our brains for a second here, the game originally came out on PS3/360 on Sept. 17th 2013, the PS4/XB1 is coming out on Nov 18th 2014, and the PC version is being released in Jan. 2015 (supposedly, I'll believe it when I've got it in my hands). If you really think they have been spending all of that time optimizing you're in for a rude awakening.

Rockstar could give two shits about the PC community, the delayed release of this game is just further proof. We never got Red Dead Redemption and we're getting GTAV after a year and a half of it's original release. I bet they have the balls to try and charge $49-59.99 for it too. Sales will be garbage compared to the PS3/4 and XB360/1 which will further encourage them to either delay other games or not release titles for PC at all (ala RDR).
Haha what?
If you really think they have been spending all of that time optimizing you're in for a rude awakening.
Played a recent rockstar release on pc? Like something that was released after GTA IV? They were actually fine. Some would almost say good even.

Stop complaining about no Red Dead Redemption. That horse has bolted. It would have been a crap port anyway as it was around the time when Rockstar didn't know how to PC.

It'll be fine. Not expecting an amazing port but I'll expect a decent one considering that it's already been ported over to x86 for the new consoles. They can't risk a crap version of that denting the already less-than-great reputation the new consoles have. Also Rockstar have cleared up their ports recently. Good usage of brain ;)

Just because GTA IV was the last GTA on pc doesn't mean it'll be exactly the same.
Haha what?

Let's use our brains for a second here, the game originally came out on PS3/360 on Sept. 17th 2013, the PS4/XB1 is coming out on Nov 18th 2014, and the PC version is being released in Jan. 2015 (supposedly, I'll believe it when I've got it in my hands). If you really think they have been spending all of that time optimizing you're in for a rude awakening.

Rockstar could give two shits about the PC community, the delayed release of this game is just further proof. We never got Red Dead Redemption and we're getting GTAV after a year and a half of it's original release. I bet they have the balls to try and charge $49-59.99 for it too. Sales will be garbage compared to the PS3/4 and XB360/1 which will further encourage them to either delay other games or not release titles for PC at all (ala RDR).

Considering the original version was in development for 4 years is it really inconceivable that it might take a year to produce the next gen version while at the same time fixing GTA Online and adding to it's content. I see no problem with a $60 price tag because it's definitely worth that on any platform. Sales probably won't reach 35 million agreed but i'm sure it will be a profitable venture and out sell nearly everything else on PC for a while.

I don't know why GTA IV keeps creeping back into the argument, it wasn't even that bad and it's so long ago that it's irrelevant. I used to play it on my laptop at 1080p and sat back in amazeballs at how much better than PS3 it looked.

I don't know why GTA IV keeps creeping back into the argument, it wasn't even that bad and it's so long ago that it's irrelevant. I used to play it on my laptop at 1080p and sat back in amazeballs at how much better than PS3 it looked.

It runs horrible on some AMD cards/some 6xx series cards weren't happy either. CPU usage was also dumb and it had quite a few bugs. It was a poor port, most people who really complain did mod the crap out of it then expect it to run on an average card though.
If it's already been ported then why are they extending the release for the PC by an additional two months? Rockstar have cleared up their ports recently... what? I never stated the PS4/XB1 versions would be crap so it has nothing to do with them, if you thought I was talking about optimization and are relating it to the PC because the new systems are x86 I guess I understand, to a point. It will be optimized for that hardware not ours.

The plain and simple fact was, initially when GTA V was released they said, "We don’t have anything to share about the possibility of a next-gen or a PC platform release at this time and we are completely focused on delivering the best possible experience for the consoles people have right now."

Like I said, by the time it's released on PC the game will be a year and a half old already, no excuse that it's taken them this long and that we're being pushed off another two months from the console versions. It absolutely blows my mind that people just lay down and accept it. The worst part is, no matter how we try to show Rockstar that the PC market is the better market there is no possible way we can (to get future releases out at the same time as their console counterpart) because this will be looked at from a straight sales figure perspective.

It didn't sell as well on PC as it did on consoles, why should we make it for them? It's not going to sell well if it's not released at the same time, ESPECIALLY if you push it off by an entire YEAR AND A HALF. That's nearly half the time the entire GTA V game took to develop!
Dextar;790925[B said:
]If it's already been ported then why are they extending the release for the PC by an additional two months? Rockstar have cleared up their ports recently... what? I never stated the PS4/XB1 versions would be crap so it has nothing to do with them[/B], if you thought I was talking about optimization and are relating it to the PC because the new systems are x86 I guess I understand, to a point. It will be optimized for that hardware not ours.
You pretty much answered why its taking longer.
"it will be optimised for that hardware not ours"- Hence the extra time it'll take from xbone/ps4 release. They are just one set of hardware whereas PCs are pretty different.

Have you played L.A. Noire? That ran fine. Same with Max Payne 3. That or my crappy pc at the time was infact a powerhouse and brute forced its way through. Somehow I doubt it :).

Yeah it was dumb they didn't do a pc version on release but these things take time, especially considering it was built to run on the last gen consoles, which were really stretched to run it. Not a year admittedly, but I've played the single player and some multiplayer on Xbox so I don't care now I know its not amazing.