GPU upgrade #2


New member
Okay so relating to my previous thread, I've basically narrowed my choice down to either the MSI GTX780 TwinFrozr for £234 @ Scan, the KFA2 GTX780 HOF for £260 @ OCUK or the XFX Radeon R9 290 DD Black Edition for £240, also @ OCUK.

Been restricted to these since my budget is now £280 max and also wanted to throw an AMD card in there, just to see how everyone thought it would compare to the others; been reading through benchmarks, reviews, comparisons etc for a good hour now and it's just frying my brain so what's everyone's opinions :P?
I'd take the TwinFrozr all day, just because I think the HOF is a bit hideous and slightly too expensive for a 780 now. The 290 wouldn't really come into it for me, I bought a 290X for less than that last week, although it is a leaf blower.

Since your budget is £280 I would personally go for the MSI GTX 970 Twin frozr that way you are guaranteed to be able to play upcoming games for a few years its just my honest opinion though as games are becoming more demanding on ram on your gpu card
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They're all very good cards and will play any game you throw at it at 1080/1440. If it were me, I'd opt for the MSI 970 or the EVGA 970. KFA2 also have a 780Ti for £288 on Overclockers, although it's a reference PCB.