GPU stays at 2D clocks


New member
Hello there,

Today I ran into an, to me, unfixable problem. My gpu refuses to go into 3D clocks. In every game it sits at ~500mhz and doesnt go any higher. My memory is happy at it's desired speed of 3700mhz.
I'm running a GTX770 Paired with an i5 powered by a 650W PSU.
I tried rebooting and re-installing drivers already, no result.
If you know anything that could help me or you need any more info I will happily try it.
Did you uses Display Driver Uninstaller to get rid of the old drivers?

A weird issue. not quite sure what exactly could be wrong, as temps surely shouldn't be the issue.
Did you uses Display Driver Uninstaller to get rid of the old drivers?

A weird issue. not quite sure what exactly could be wrong, as temps surely shouldn't be the issue.

Yep, used DDU after the "dirty" reinstall didnt work either.
Are you using Precision or Afterburner?

I'm using Afterburner but I had it deinstalled as well but the clocks stayed the same if you can trust HWMonitor.
Did Windows have any updates recently?

Check Control Panel > (Top right) Small/Large Icons > Power Options > Change advanced power settings.
How about

Nvidia Control Panel > Manage 3D Settings > Force Global Settings [power management] > Set it to Prefer Maximum Performance ?
Can you try it in a different PCI-E slot?

Edit; Also, try rolling back to previous stable drivers.
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