GPU Advice for a Rebuild


New member
I've gotten most of the components for a new red/black themed rebuild i'm doing down the road set... however i'm struggling on the GPU end of things. Here's what I have so far, then I'll explain more:

CPU: I5-4690k
HeatSink: Corsair H100i (Will be adding 2 Corsair SP120's for Push/Pull)
MB: MSI Gaming Z97 5
Mem: 16GB G-Skill DDR3 1600
SSD: Samsung EVO 840 250GB
HD: Seagate 1TB SSHD 3.5 Form Factor
Case: Corsair Air 540, Black
Monitor 1: ASUS PB278Q (1440p)
Monitor 2/3: ASUS VH242 (1080p, not gamed on)
Blu-Ray: Pioneer BDR-2209

Basically, this is a planned rebuild for Star Citizen when its released in 2015, and what i'm struggling with is what I will need GPU wise. I understand much is not out atm in terms of final specs for Star Citizen, however, I planned this to be a bit on the overkill side of things.

As it stands, rough estimate is that the components above will be around the $1000 Range, I have a PSU I wanted to re-use considering its a great PSU (Corsair HX 750).

I'm willing to replace the PSU... however... I really would like to avoid adding more the budget. I figure I have a Maximum of $700 left as I planned this for a $1700 Rebuild. Any advice on where to go from here? I game on the PB278Q (Which you guys recommended btw, Ty for that, its awesome!)

I plan on buying through if that helps


Friend suggested Maybe a 780 ti, only advice i've really gotten so far, idk if that helps.
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the 780 Ti is pretty much the best card you can get, but you'll pay a premium to have it. Not sure what pricing is like where you are, but in Australia at least a lot of shops have had some pretty good deals going on AMD R9 290/290x's as of late (between $50-$100 off). not sure why, perhaps they weren't selling well, but it might be worth at least having a look.
Sorry for the late replies everyone, I do appreciate them. I actually think I may jump to a R9 290X after your guy's ideas, I did have a secondary thought with that however.

I run 3 monitors on my setup, a 2560x1440 as my primary gaming monitor, and a pair of ASUS VH242's (1920x1080) for my flankers. I do not nor ever intend to run a 5760x1080 type gaming rig.

Here's my question, could buying a cheap r7 240 and using that for the two flanking 24" 1080P monitors be a good idea to run them seperately from the main card? I know in the past AMD cards have issues running 3 monitors on one card w/o some jury rigging and I did this in the past with a 5450 and a 5870 to achieve a 3 screen setup.


And also, any recommendations on what 290X? Atm the sapphire Tri-X OC has my eye.
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The Tri-x Is very decent. If money isn't an issue the 290x lightning is excellent as well. Club3d also make a very decent 290x.
Pretty sure you can run all 3 off one card but you don't need to setup eyefinity to be multiscreen or something along those lines.

Best 290x(meaning ones worth getting) are the Tri-x, PCS+, Lightning, and Club3D. Lightning is the best but also a lot more expensive. The others are all very good but much cheaper.