Going rigid for memory of a legend


New member
Recently I installed my 1st custom loop and although it looks great I'm still not satisfied so have decided I need to go for a rigid loop set up where I bend the tubes to correct measurement.
This is going to be a major build upstep as I will be looking to mod and customize everything in order to build a rig in memory of my uncle who sadly passed away this week.
He was a guard on the Railway for many years so the theme will be rail and or train orientated. I am hoping that the experienced liquid cooling guys here will be able to offer build advice along the way as my only experience with LC has been the Phobya loop presently fitted and AIO's.
This build will commence next week with case modification once the plans I have laid out are to my desired requirements so from then on I will be posting regularly with updates and hounding everyone for tips and advice.Just need to do a few more detailed drawings with precise measurements then the test of my ability will be on.
As with such a major step its all in the preparation and planning that makes for a good build so until blueprint cheers for now
Sorry to hear that dude, there's nothing like doing a build, in memory for someone, it helps take your mind of the crap, and think about the good memories. Look forward to seeing it..