i know just before release people were talking about how these cards 970/980 werent really that much better than the old 780's and may even be worse in some cases..
but damn these cards are beasts.
they are at a great price point, performance even from a stock 970 is excelent..
I find it hard to think of any reason why some one would buy anything other than a 970 "possibly a 980" if they were buying a new gpu now.
i would like to think amd will come back with something. but i really dont know what they could bring out that could compete at this price/performance level.
There are some undeniably cheap 780's about OCUK have the DCUii at £229, i'd definitely go for that over a 970 and to be fair you could kind of get two for 980 money. In a few weeks time i'm sure the story will be different but right now I can see other options.