Get rid of Thermal Pad ?


New member
Hey i just bought AS 5 for my new coming Barebone. I want to put it on my A64 pc but on the Stock HS there is this Thermal Pad and i have no idea how to get it of. Any suggestions ?
a stanley blade FLAT against the bottom of the hsf scrape it off without...doing damage to the hsf...i did the same for my cooler master ...!
vodka :)

nah you really need to buy some unfragranced nail polish remover from a store. even if u look stupid.
if your going to use nail polish remover make sure its ACETONE FREE.... its important as is tarnishes the bottom of the hsf
Dave said:
vodka :)

nah you really need to buy some unfragranced nail polish remover from a store. even if u look stupid.

LOL yeah just use your mums or something or sisters :worship: atleast there good for something haha
not vodka or ne other drinks there are imputities present in alcoholic spirts which wil leave a layer of trace particles on the surface which will stop heat flow also theuir is a relativly high water content; there is also impurities in purfumed nail varnish remover.

go to a pharmacy and get some rubbing alcohols or rubbing alcohol wipres of @ least 70% isopropyl alcohol content; if you have trouble find ing rubbing alcohol (u will not used much) get rubbing alcohol wipes 'aka' injection wipes all pharmacies stock these it will cost bout £4 for a box of 100 wipes these remove TIM pads and paste very easily (the brand i bout is 'sterets' 70% isopropyl <rubbin> alco wipes)
sai_jao said:
not vodka or ne other drinks there are imputities present in alcoholic spirts which wil leave a layer of trace particles on the surface which will stop heat flow also theuir is a relativly high water content; there is also impurities in purfumed nail varnish remover.

go to a pharmacy and get some rubbing alcohols or rubbing alcohol wipres of @ least 70% isopropyl alcohol content; if you have trouble find ing rubbing alcohol (u will not used much) get rubbing alcohol wipes 'aka' injection wipes all pharmacies stock these it will cost bout £4 for a box of 100 wipes these remove TIM pads and paste very easily (the brand i bout is 'sterets' 70% isopropyl <rubbin> alco wipes)

if your even up to it you can actually buy the proper cleaners if you want to spend that kind of money but anyway up to you
hmmm i dont think that i can get 100 % Alcohol. A Sister i dont have (Only a Brother), My Mother doesnt use this Nailstuff.... Urrr pretty hard.

isnt there any easy way ? Like something to use that normal "GUYS" have at home.
just swallow your pride and go into a shop and buy some nail polish remover. seriously there isnt really anything else. unless you can get some ethanol from somewhere :)
FalconFX said:
hmmm i dont think that i can get 100 % Alcohol. A Sister i dont have (Only a Brother), My Mother doesnt use this Nailstuff.... Urrr pretty hard.

isnt there any easy way ? Like something to use that normal "GUYS" have at home.

PHARMACY say ur diabetic needs pre-injection swabs -- there u go pride not brusied
name='limqareb' said:
good one sai jao well i think they may ask you for the precrition

no u dont need a prescription for injection wipes damn u dont even hafta say wat they for (they will assume u r junkie or diabetic) theyll supply it ne way cause they dont want u gettin sick from bacteria on ya own skin