Gaming Setup: 100% Alienware branded


New member
Alienware Desktop: [Alienware Aurora R4 ALX]
Monitor : [Alienware OptX AW2310]
Keyboard :[Alienware TactX Keyboard]
Mouse: [Alienware TactX Mouse]

my gaming setup os 100% Alienware atm!

Desktop Specs:

CPU : 3970X @ 5GHz (Intel EE Extreme Edition)
GPU: 7970GHz ---- upgrading to GTX Titan-X

Laptop Specs:

CPU: 4700MQ
GPU: gtx 750m


- I only turn em on to play, i use 2 custom build for benchmarks and macs for every other thing.

- i don t like my Alienware 14 (laptop)
- i love my Alienware desktop setup






to prevent usuals (legit) comments about Alienware's high prices i say i haven t paid it :)
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Any reason for the titan when a 980ti would be alot cheaper and to be honest at 1080p which im guessing that monitor is, you will barely notice any difference except the few hundred pounds in your bank.
Any reason for the titan when a 980ti would be alot cheaper and to be honest at 1080p which im guessing that monitor is, you will barely notice any difference except the few hundred pounds in your bank.

This !

Having owned a Titan X and having had experience with a 980 Ti there is no point in getting a Titan X as the 980 Ti's can be overclocked further and give higher FPS and unless you REALLY need 12GB of memory, Which I highly doubt you do judging by the picture of your setup, You would be better served getting a 980 Ti.
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Nice set up dude !

I'm all Alienware too. I have the 2009 Area 51 ALX and the 2014 Area 51 !

I so nearly got a Aurora ALX about a month ago, then realised I just didn't have room for it lol.
Any reason for the titan when a 980ti would be alot cheaper and to be honest at 1080p which im guessing that monitor is, you will barely notice any difference except the few hundred pounds in your bank.

This !

Having owned a Titan X and having had experience with a 980 Ti there is no point in getting a Titan X as the 980 Ti's can be overclocked further and give higher FPS and unless you REALLY need 12GB of memory, Which I highly doubt you do judging by the picture of your setup, You would be better served getting a 980 Ti.

i 100% agree with you, titanx at 1080p 120hz will run worst than custom design 980ti, but i plan to buy a titan x because:

1) i m gonna buy a used-brand-new titanx from a guy i know at same price than new 980ti

2) i only use reference design cards in this build, and all the titanx are reference design, so it s going to be easier to find another one used in the future for sli.

Custom design cards are not designed to push all the hot air outside the case, only reference design can.
I m probably going for a sli and custom design cards are horrible with facing cards. (no space between em)

thanks for the suggestions, i m still in doubt about a 980ti and i m gonna think more about that (going to see if i can find used 980ti at same good price )
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Nice set up dude !

I'm all Alienware too. I have the 2009 Area 51 ALX and the 2014 Area 51 !

I so nearly got a Aurora ALX about a month ago, then realised I just didn't have room for it lol.

man, u have all the best-looking gaming pc in the world (my sincere opinion!)

the pc i envy you the most is the 2009 Area 51!

I don t love too much the new AW design, but Area 51 2009 is the gaming machine of my dreams!
I must post some pics of it only to remind how cool it is:



i dreamt a lot of it, but never had :(
i 100% agree with you, titanx at 1080p 120hz will run worst than custom design 980ti, but i plan to buy a titan x because:

1) i m gonna buy a used-brand-new titanx from a guy i know at same price than new 980ti

2) i only use reference design cards in this build, and all the titanx are reference design, so it s going to be easier to find another one used in the future for sli.

Custom design cards are not designed to push all the hot air outside the case, only reference design can.
I m probably going for a sli and custom design cards are horrible with facing cards. (no space between em)

thanks for the suggestions, i m still in doubt about a 980ti and i m gonna think more about that (going to see if i can find used 980ti at same good price )

If you can get a TitanX for the same price as a 980 Ti go for the TitanX.

Out of the two the TitanX is the faster card contrary to what some of the posts above say.

Having said that normally I would say get a 980 Ti for 1080p as the difference is small and paying the extra for the TitanX is not worth it but as you have said you can get the cards for the same price.:)
If you can get a TitanX for the same price as a 980 Ti go for the TitanX.

Out of the two the TitanX is the faster card contrary to what some of the posts above say.

Having said that normally I would say get a 980 Ti for 1080p as the difference is small and paying the extra for the TitanX is not worth it but as you have said you can get the cards for the same price.:)

Yes, but following your advice i m going to see if i can find a used 980ti and save more money (but titanx was from a guy i know)



i wrote
i 100% agree with you, titanx at 1080p 120hz will run worst than custom design 980ti,

custom design 980ti are higher clocked and with custom pbcs and coolers can outperform titanx on reference design.
Consider titanx is only with reference cooler and can throttle if u oc it at same level. It s a card for liquid cooling.




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Yes, but following your advice i m going to see if i can find a used 980ti and save more money (but titanx was from a guy i know)



i wrote

custom design 980ti are higher clocked and with custom pbcs and coolers can outperform titanx on reference design.
Consider titanx is only with reference cooler and can throttle if u oc it at same level. It s a card for liquid cooling.

I would not go too much on those graphs.

The reference TitanX comes with a low clockspeed that does not mean you can not overclock it like a beast as it has more overclocking headroom than the non ref 980 Ti's in those graphs.

The other thing you can look at if using a Titan X is to flash an EVGA SC Titan X bios onto the card then it will beat all those non ref 980 Ti's in those graphs without you having to worry about overclocking and still have a lot left in the tank if you do want to OC it.:)

TitanX v 980 Ti @1080p for the same money is a non contest.

The other thing to remember is if you ever sell the card the TX will have a higher secondhand value.:)

Edit the Gigabyte G1 Gaming 980 Ti in the graph above has a reputation for being very noisy and a lot of people have returned them and bought other models like the MSI Gaming.
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I would not go too much on those graphs.

The reference TitanX comes with a low clockspeed that does not mean you can not overclock it like a beast as it has more overclocking headroom than the non ref 980 Ti's in those graphs.

The other thing you can look at if using a Titan X is to flash an EVGA SC Titan X bios onto the card then it will beat all those non ref 980 Ti's in those graphs without you having to worry about overclocking and still have a lot left in the tank if you do want to OC it.:)

TitanX v 980 Ti @1080p for the same money is a non contest.

The other thing to remember is if you ever sell the card the TX will have a higher secondhand value.:)

Edit the Gigabyte G1 Gaming 980 Ti in the graph above has a reputation for being very noisy and a lot of people have returned them and bought other models like the MSI Gaming.

hi man!
your words are wise and well informed, i am going for the used (brand new) titanx as soon as i can :)

the only information i can add is about titanx throttling and overclocking:

it throttles also at default if u keep fan speed at default, and the only way to oc it to 1400 mhz without throttling is to raise fans to max (horrible).

i have it on a custom liquid cooled pc (not gaming) and i think this card is made for water

(i am Italian, i made a discussion talking about TX here and there are tons of reports :) )
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Coil Whine.

There has been a lot of talk about it in the owners thread I run.

This does not mean that they all have it but some Gigabyte G1 980 ti's are pretty bad.

Ohh okay, now I really want to test mine out and see if I should return it or not.
Ohh okay, now I really want to test mine out and see if I should return it or not.

From what I understand of it if you had a bad one it would be very apparent so you are probably ok.:)

Here is a link to the owners thread.

You will have to use the search function at the bottom as the thread is huge. If you type in something like "Gigabyte G1 whine" you should get plenty of posts.