Gaming.. Mouse?


New member
So after years of faithful service my mouse decides to have issues, double clicks mostly when only clicking once or interupting my dragging and dropping by dropping the pressed down mouse click.

Now looking for a new mouse, how noticeable is the difference between an office grade and a gaming grade mouse?

I've gamed fine for all these years with a 163 Grams Logitech MX1000 Laser or even a 5 pound cabled optical (I admit it is a piece of [...] but it worked), yet I hear people complaining about the Logitech MX Master, being too heavy at 143 grams...? I prefer a wireless mouse as my way of using the mouses is weird according to my friends and would mess up with any cables, unless sufficiently long and flexible enough to get out of the way.

Anyway I'm considering an MX Master, it looks a good enough 'upgrade', The features are nice, not to many buttons (got a G15 keyboard to handle my macro's etc.) and I don't really care about the back and forward buttons, since I use the keyboard for those. However I don't just want to jump in and buy a mouse without getting informed, as well as possible about other potential mouses that are a good upgrade, but not over the top in pricing, I'm not in to FPS games any more so that's not really a mouse selling point for me. comfort though is.

The sideways scrolling is a nice features I'd like to use with video editing, it seems more useful than the sideways clicking mouse wheel of the MX 1000 at any rate.

So I suppose what I'm trying to figure out is, what is this hype about a gaming mouse, as I can't even seem to notice a significant enough difference between a 5 pound mouse and my MX 1000 beyond that the later feels better in my hands and maybe a tiny bit more responsive and not so cheap feeling.

edit I do hope this is the correct place for this thread to go, if not I applogise in advance for my ignorance (it's late)
Take a look at either Corsair Sabre or Steelseries Kinzu/Kana mice as they are generally some of the better mice around ATM which would probably suit your needs without breaking the bank or performance that you might not otherwise use
Hmm they look nice, but I have rather large hands, so I forsee some hand cramping in my future with those two

I don't really care about it being bank breaking, I plan to use the mouse until it stops working like my current one.

I'm just not sure about this whole "Gaming" business for mouses. And stores around here don't really allow you to try before you buy, apart from testing the grip in a store, but not actual work performance working in Adobe or gaming which is the big selling point of these gaming mice or to use it on your desk etc.
I have large hands myself and I use and can recommend the Corsair m65 rgb in black it has a good feel in the hand and has a nice weight to it without being too heavy and due to the precision of the laser it's great for everything you need to do not just gaming and the scroll wheel is good for really quick or slow scrolling so yeah a nice mouse and I have used it on my main rig with a 1440p monitor as well as this laptop at 1080p and didn't change anything
Sorry for the somewhat late reply.

While I like the corsair mouses, particulary the M65 and M95, My computer currently resides on the dinning table until I finish refurbishing my house (which can take a while as my free time is limited to do so), and while 2 meter of cable is nice, that would leave me with barely enough cable length left for my "weird" way of mousing. So I would need to go for wireless.

I hold the mouse 90 degrees angled from the keyboard so the mouse top is facing the left of my desk/dining table, I know weird but it works for me haha.
Sorry for the somewhat late reply.

While I like the corsair mouses, particulary the M65 and M95, My computer currently resides on the dinning table until I finish refurbishing my house (which can take a while as my free time is limited to do so), and while 2 meter of cable is nice, that would leave me with barely enough cable length left for my "weird" way of mousing. So I would need to go for wireless.

I hold the mouse 90 degrees angled from the keyboard so the mouse top is facing the left of my desk/dining table, I know weird but it works for me haha.

Just get a USB extension cable
The problem with USB extension cables are their power limitation, and that might impact the mouse performance. at least that hapenned to my wired mouse 8 years ago, I'm sure technology improved but still. Maybe I should add my powered usb hub to the table, I'm trying to keep cables to a minimal as we also use the dining table for dinning ;)
The more cables I have the more I have to move.

So which one would you get G402, G502 or a Corsair M65 or M95
Though the Logitech ones are quite a bit cheaper.
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