Fury x or PSU making weird noises?


New member
So i expierenced some weird things with either the PSU or GPU, thought i think its probably the GPU.

Whenever i play squad and it loads in the game, during the load screen my fury x is sort of beeping until the load screen is over.. or starts a little bit into the loadscreen and then dissapears when its done loading.

I have 2 videos of the issue/sound.

First video of the beeping sound while in squad loading screen. listen at second 8.

Second video of the heavy noise during battlefield 4.( noisewas alot softer on the video )

The odd thing about these videos is. that they are very different from what i hear, and on the second video you can hear the buzzing/beeping sound for only a few seconds( i kept hearing it during load screen) which is a bit different from what i hear to be honest..
This only happend in squad currently.

It also made some heavy noise during battlefield 4 in-game.

No noise in other games. except for just cause 3 which did artiffact white and red, which is probably a driver issue.( had to downgrade to a lower version of CCC.) since it did not happen in all of the other games.

Ran Heaven benchmark with extreme preset, no artiffacts..

I was thinking about the PSU, but its a seasonic evo 850, so i doubt it is the PSU.

Also the the fury x rad is mounted at the bottem of my 760T case, its NOT mounted on the rear side, which was apparently recommended by AMD.

I hope i dont have to return this card..
I have been waiting so long for this build.

Thanks all.

Note, i also had a error when installing the latest crimson beta drivers,( might come in handy ) downgrading to lower version fixed this.


5820K stock atm
Asus rampage v extreme
H110i GTX TOP mounted
Seasonic m12ii-850 evo
16GB DDR4 GeiL Potenza
Sapphire fury x
760T case.
Hi mate, it's coil whine. Seems really common amongst high powered cards from both AMD and Nvidia right now - if you want to hear how bad it can really get, go watch Jayztwocents review of the Funry Nano - that thing sounds like it is full of hissing cockroaches having a drug fueled orgy under load.
Coil whine is common during load screens and main menu screens as they change load states very quickly. Going from 0% usage to 100% usage and then hundreds to thousands of FPS. You can't really get around that.

Also with the fury x, check to see if it's the fan. My fury X fan has a lot of motor noise. The Fury itself has hardly any. Could be the problem
As above.

Tbh you could always just put your head a tad close to the card or PSU to see where it is coming from specifically.
Coil whine is common during load screens and main menu screens as they change load states very quickly. Going from 0% usage to 100% usage and then hundreds to thousands of FPS. You can't really get around that.

Also with the fury x, check to see if it's the fan. My fury X fan has a lot of motor noise. The Fury itself has hardly any. Could be the problem

Well, this is what happends when i had 4000+fps during the loading screen of squad.

Had to use Frame Target Controller around 144fps.

Im gonna check inside the case again tomorrow, to see if it isnt the fan of the rad.

As above.

Tbh you could always just put your head a tad close to the card or PSU to see where it is coming from specifically.
Will do tomorrow.

Hi mate, it's coil whine. Seems really common amongst high powered cards from both AMD and Nvidia right now - if you want to hear how bad it can really get, go watch Jayztwocents review of the Funry Nano - that thing sounds like it is full of hissing cockroaches having a drug fueled orgy under load.
Yeah,saw few vids of people with coil whine on their furys on youtube.
Wonder why this is still happening with new released gpu's.
I wouldn't expect any whine from the PSU. Not a Seasonic, it would literally be the first time ever.

It's more likely to be the GPU or the pump on the GPU. The pumps are notoriously rubbish and I have seen many sent back and resold because of it. Which of course just ends up in them being sent back again.

Coil whine on the Fury X though is quite rare. It's usually found on the Nano but not the X.
I wouldn't expect any whine from the PSU. Not a Seasonic, it would literally be the first time ever.

It's more likely to be the GPU or the pump on the GPU. The pumps are notoriously rubbish and I have seen many sent back and resold because of it. Which of course just ends up in them being sent back again.

Coil whine on the Fury X though is quite rare. It's usually found on the Nano but not the X.

Yeah, did the case open again, and its def something inside the GPU, i even hear things inside it sometimes.. ( rarely )

The noise is only occuring ( heavy noise ) during battlefield 4 with mantle..
Other games the sound is acceptable..

CSGO at 140FPS does not make the sound like battlefield 4 does at 144fps..
Its something weird,

Ive already send an ticket to sapphire to see what they are saying.