FreeSync will launch on Match 19th with a new Driver


News Guru
FreeSync will launch on Match 19th with a new Catalyst Driver. For those who don't know AMD FreeSync Monitors are already on sale here in the UK.


Read more on AMD's FreeSync Driver here.
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still seems ironic to me that there on such expensive monitors just put it on a £200 monitor please
When is the month of match ? did they just create a new calendar ? ^_^

FYI also the article points to the sites search function.
Could be cheaper but as its a new tech you'd expect it to cost more. I'll continue to wait for my IPS high refresh rate monitor thanks. Presumably it'll have freesync too.
Hopefully it will start a price war between Gsync and Freesync monitors, driving prices down for both :)
G sync will always cost more imo.

Its an Nvidia product not to mention they need extra hardware to work (that module which supposedly does something).
I find it strange that the gun the guy in the picture here holds is firing while he's using his hands to signal someone... Yay for graphics design making everything dramatic!

And lets not forget, that the soldiers in the background are holding their ARs at the magazine like a grip... That hurts my head :(

Also meh to freesync, but I guess more choice is more better.
Hopefully it will start a price war between Gsync and Freesync monitors, driving prices down for both :)

TBH I don't think they need one, G-Sync will always do well, purely because nVidia. If one was supported by both GPU manufacturers the dynamic would be very different. But I think things will stay very similar to how they are right now for some time.

TBH I don't think they need one, G-Sync will always do well, purely because nVidia. If one was supported by both GPU manufacturers the dynamic would be very different. But I think things will stay very similar to how they are right now for some time.


Both gysnc and freesync monitors are quite highly priced in my opinion. Prices will come down eventually but the sooner it happens the better.